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Everything posted by ronski

  1. could the difference be site familiarity??? How about pressure?????
  2. I am surprised that the tournament boat mfgrs have not put driver adjustable cavitation plates like on the old flat bottom boats and large ocean going sport boats on tournament boats to conform to the speed and activity of the ski/boarder.
  3. Develop a viewable format that will work for TV. Grass roots tournaments and training opportunities for new blood like jr development but for older people too. Simplify rules and judging requirements to make it fun again. Back in the 80's tournaments were huge now they are a small group of the same skiers who have been around for a long time with few new replacements for when they stop/retire. Oops, sorry got carried away there. Just hope she can have a positive impact on showcasing the sport.
  4. Try all of the new model skis if possible. I got a Quest in late May and am at the point where I can't blame the ski for all my goof ups. This thing is extremely forgiving and is not as tiring as others I have been on. I liked my old D3 X5 but I love my Quest.........setup is important.....
  5. How long does it take most of you to get used to a new ski. Assuming set up is near what you are used to. I have seen people run very close to their usual with only a ride or two while others seem to struggle. Is it proportional to technique where the more sound your technique is the faster you adapt? Is it confidence? I realize there can be a whole bunch of other variables but I was just wondering what others experiences were whether you change skis like your socks or have been on the same stick for years like me. The reason I ask is I had to get a new ski recently and love it but after about 40 rides still find myself improving on it without any changes despite my rotten technique.
  6. sounds like the forward clutch pack on the velvet drive transmission is not engaging which is usually caused by no or real low oil pressure from the pump and or the clutch pack is broken. There is a big (9") o ring on the piston which engages the clutch pack that could have failed, broken oil pump, real low oil level in sump, lots of stuff could have failed. No mater what it is, sounds like it needs to be pulled and rebuilt or replaced. Damper plate usually start making a racket as the springs fail before they go.
  7. nice lean and angle off the ball. Just hold edge and at least some lean through the 2nd wake to get you out and early.
  8. Strength to weight ratio really helps in both power and reaction time. Pull ups is a good test and exercise. I bet some of the top skiers can do one handed pull ups too.
  9. First thing I would do is make sure my rear toes are as close as I can get them to the front binding. If that does not help the next thing would be to move both bindings forward one hole as it appears your rear leg is bent a whole bunch while your front leg is relatively straight but you still got a whole bunch of ski out of the water.
  10. The best thing for me is logistics are minimized. It is all pretty much there waiting for you to show up. Would not want to live there permanently though.
  11. Only been on my 68" quest 20 rides so am still learning how to ride it but by moving the binding back 1/8" made a huge improvement but then again, I am pretty much of a slug...... Your experiences may differ.
  12. We got 3 lakes but 37 members who all got their own ideas about stuff (read politics/ego city). Dues cover most of the maintenance but we have had a few assessments that would make you sell your boat. We started in 83 as a 3 event training site. Now, we are a 90% tubing/wakeboard site with giant tuna boats that destroy boats, docks and shoreline and on holidays rules go out the door and it is total chaos. I pretty much ski during the week. It is one heck of a better place than public waterways though.
  13. We had to dredge out our 3 lakes (ski West) several yrs back and got rid of our nice big islands and put in dinky ones and unless you are only doing slalom, the water conditions are much worse (assuming you like smooth water) unless you drop in on the ends like in slalom and wait a few minutes. But then again I am old school and don't like having to pull out on the rt side of the boat cuz it can drop you right on top of the island too.
  14. We used to set up a pvc pipe/string course in lake powell and used red painted Styrofoam toilet bowl floats for balls that were like 4" in dia. If you hit them square nothing happened to you like if they were regulation turn balls.
  15. This guy is knowledgeable and makes a good ambassador for the sport......until he takes a drink....good laugh.
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