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Posts posted by KcSwerver

  1. Just got my a3 yesterday, it looks AWESOME

    When I was setting it up, I put my reflex at 29.5" from tail, wich put it at the very furthest back the screws and holes would allow. When I showed my dad the ski, he got all up in a huff saying that the ski would ski too aggressive the way I set it up, and that I wouldn't have any where to move back in order to make the ski more aggressive (apparently when he was skiing in the 80's and 90's he said people would start in the middle hole and move back to be more aggressive) I understand that his logic is fairly dated but he is really convinced (and won't listen to me at all) and that the middle of the holes doesn't necessarily mean stock, ALWAYS MEASURE.


    My question is, since he is so sure that the middle of the hole is where I should start, how would be a good way to approach him to rationalize the fact that that isn't necessarily correct. It got to the point where he said he wouldn't pull me with the ski set up where it is. (With the binding all the way back in hole spots, yet still in stock 29.5"


    Thanks in advance!


    -Hoping to even get to ski,


  2. @Sbfl By the way I'm 16 and I started competing when I was 15 don't worry about what others think, but you will need to be able to start getting to 36. It's a quick clip but it gets fun. Keep with it, ill be glad to offer anything I can.
  3. I got my ski back from goode after being repaired today. First off, excellent job only with alot of inspection can I tell it was even there.


    When I sent my ski I took off all hardware, fin block, fin, everything. When I opened the box up today i opened up where the tail was and could just barely make out a fin block, fin, wing, attached to a ski. I thought they sent me a new one! Goodie goodie! I pulled it out and it was actually mine! Goode went out of there way to slap a fin block on for no extra charge. Holy crap they are great to me! I actually feel bad that I'm trying the A3 because goode has been extremely helpful in every way. And I urge anyone who is enlisting their help for a ski problem to be cooperative and congenial. They WILL help you, they want nothing but your success and they want to keep their name in good standing!

    Thanks Chris and Mary at Goode!

    Very satisfied

    -Bryan Bailey

  4. Everything you all are saying is getting me super pumped for this bad boy. I hate sitting in class and not sitting in a boat.


    One thing I have always struggled with is letting the ski finish the turn. I hope I can adapt to it, but it sounds like an awesome ski for me.


  5. I have a 66" A3 on its way to the house right now (along with my repaired 9900)


    There's one thing I'm really exited about. I can FINALLY SCREW MY REFLEX PLATE TO THE SKI! No mores fishing for it at the bottom of the lake (just a heads up it SUCKS)


    One question, iv heard alot of people say that to ride a syndicate, you have to be aggressive. What does this really mean? How can I be more aggressive without scaring the crap out of myself (I'm a little timid these days)

    from what I'm hearing there seems to be a specific style of riding the ski that lets it excell. What are some things I can think about when skiing it?

  6. @wish it may save money on two trips if the regionals will be held near to the nationals site. For instance Midwest regionals were in Minnesota, if I were to travel to Minnesota, back to kansas, then to Florida id be racking up some cash. If I were to go to regionals closer to nationals, I might be able to make it one trip.
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