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Posts posted by KcSwerver

  1. We are currently eyeing a 1995 prostar 190 it's got a corvette lt-1 in it. Interior looks good, exterior looks good, having our technician run it hard on the water this weekend... Hopefully. It's got 660 hours. Any ideas on the '95 wake?
  2. We are joining a ski club on a private lake. Here's the background, I have been skiing behind a 1976 Mastercraft skier which has NO WAKE. We also own a 1997 Prostar 205, which we have changed roles to the "family friends hangout boat" on the open water.


    should we tow the prostar 205 to the club lake and use it or should we purchase a prostar 190 from the early 1990's

    If we buy another boat we would be selling it in ~5 years.

    What are the wake comparisons between the two,

    Is going from the 1976 no wake boat back to skiing behind the prostar 205 going to completely rock my world?

    What are the wakes like at longer line lengths and slower speeds (for focusing on the course, even though I normally ski 34-36 mph at 15-28 off)


    We only use for slalom, mainly and I can get up on a trick and I'm planning on learning that as well.


    We won't be able to ski every day, more like 2 times a week on the club lake, and I want to make the most out of my time on the course and we are wondering if the prostar 205 will hold me back like it did a few years back.



    I would love any help. We need to figure out what to do.



    Bryan Bailey

  3. My goode 9900 that I bought off of ski it again came in yesterday! Yesss! So I didn't waste anytime replacing the interlock with new stuff, but in the shuffle of changing the bindings onto the new ski I lost the two end pieces, or key stones. I hear about people making their own g-10 composite plates and I know that it's the same stuff, if anyone could help me out on weather to contact goode, or ask around here to see who could do something like that, and for how much, it would be greatly appreciated.


    I will put pictures of the ski, the changing of the interlock and the final product with bindings on my other thread, tommorow.





  4. I have a strip running the length of the plate on either side of it and then measured half the plate and cut that portion into horizontal strips to go width ways between the to long pieces

    I would take a picture but the plate is still on my old ski, here is a diagram of interloc pattern


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  5. It's official, after almost 6 months of serious ski hunting iv decided to pull the trigger on a Goode 9900 sl left.

    I started skiing when I was seven and by the time I was twelve I was on a 64 inch HO Esprit. I stayed on that untill two summers ago when I finally moved up to my dads Connelly Concept from the 80's ( the one with the neon green bottom) that was the ski I first made passes through the slalom course on. In fact in my first tournament, the day after I made my first pass, it took me from 26 mph all the way up to 36mph And has served me more than well. But as you would think it's obviously time for a new ski. after price hunting for a long time Today we made the purchase. This is going to be a huge change, I'd love to get any pointers on how I should approach the change, and what I should expect. Iv been looking at BOS for almost everything, and I know you all have great things to say.




    I am a boys 3 skier

    I weigh 140 pounds

    My current set up is on the Connelly concept with double powershells. Behind a 1976 Mastercraft Stars and Stripes.


    Any useful information on how to efficiently make a transition on a ski would be very much appreciated.



  6. Exactly! We are skiing nuts and it's our love, I have encountered people who course ski who think less of me, just because I don't have the opportunity that they do, because I don't live on a slalom lake (even though I posted a better score than one of them, when I'm a weekend only free skier, and they got to go out every day ;)


    I think we all have somewhat the same goals, to be efficient in our skiing, safe, and look good while feeling accomplishment. Oh and the spray ;)



  7. Iv been in a course during six "sets" in my entire life running into 36 mph 15 off (boys three) my first time on the course, I ran it (28 mph) because in the seven years that iv been free skiing and only free skiing I have built my technique very well and still have tons of fun wi it while doing my best to train myself. compared to other people who grow up in the course, always being rushed or pressured to get that next ball, sometimes they may not see the fun in it.


    Now I'm not saying that the course is bad (trust me, Im like a kid in a candy shop when I get the small opportunity to ski around some orange buoys) but I'm saying that there are still people out there who don't have the opportunities to be on the course that are still "real skiers" and shouldn't be treated as less of one because they don't have a course available




  8. So a friend of my family has a Goode nano and just got the one so he wants to sell me the nano for cheap. Its a mid ride sixty five I think. Any comments? Still kinda skeptical but iv personally never seen a ski break or had anyone who I know happen to them. Right now the decision is basically the nano twist 65 mid or a sixty six Strada. (I currently ski on a 67 so I'm trying to find a little bigger ski than what is recommended.) any real riding differences between the Strada and nano? Which one is more responsive? Forgiving?


    Thank you all so much, making a decision on skis is a completely new thing to me, and it's pretty tough, all your help is greatly appreciated



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