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Posts posted by ALPJr

  1. As usual another super episode @Luzz . This story was particularly relatable to me - having an interest in other sports while skiing on the side, letting a couple years of athletic pursuits fall behind during young adult life, and especially the part about seeing a great skier from the boat for the first time... back in ‘89 at 28 years old, after being a slalom enthusiast on the back bays and creeks of southern New Jersey for 12 summers I saw a full page add in the newspaper for the Garden State Games, which listed dozens of athletic competitions that NJ residents could register for. Way down on the list I saw waterskiing - slalom, trick and jump, and of course I thought, I’m a good slalom skier, I can do that. I figured that since the only slalom course I had ever seen was on ESPN that I’d better book a few days at a ski school. The closest one I could find in the Back of the magazine was Jimmy Durham’s in Greenville, SC. So off I went... now back to how this episode relates - I actually did pretty good there, made it around all 6 buoys first time through (about 28mph?), did my usual two ski tricking run, and went over the jump 3 times, without dying and skied away the 3rd try (and then said ‘all set with that event’). After lunch the slalom coach Renee Goslen? took a set. That was it, that was the hook, I was fully addicted from then on. She ran some back to back -28’s so smooth and stacked, wow! Then after three days there I left for home, and I was so sore that I’d have to use my left hand to lift up my left leg so I could engage the clutch all the way to NJ. A week later at the tournament, I crashed on my first pass, between the second wake and 1 ball, swam to shore and am still stoked about skiing 31 years later :)
  2. There is something to be said for having the inner desire to learn and become involved. I first joined in my sophomore year of high-school in ‘75/76, because I thought skiing was so cool and I found info about the AWSA and The Waterskier in our library’s card catalog. The magazine is basically what I got from it, and to me that was a lot and very worth it. It brought the sport to me, inspired me to find others who were really into skiing, get a better ski, a better rope and handle, upgrade the 50hp, to a 70 and then a 115. It was 13 years later that I entered my first tournament and I still like The Waterskier mag.
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