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Posts posted by MichaelGoodman

  1. Not sure where you are located, I'm in Mass and had the same problem 

    turned out MACORS GPS the signal provider had changed their address 

    for the hookup to them. Put in the new one works perfect again

    • Like 2
  2. I bought the other engine and just installed it and got running this week have not put in

    the water yet but it sounds and runs great on a hose. Should go in the water this weekend.

    The engine was as advertised and @Mastercrafter could not have been more helpful during

    and after the sale a real stand up guy who I did not know before buying the engine. He went

    above and beyond answering any questions I had during the install. The transfer was very straight forward into a 2014 Mastercraft only glitches were had to change some wiring plugs

    the new engine is a 2018 old was 2014.



  3. I once had a contest with a buddy on who good do the most balls in a row.

    Spinning at both ends nonstop at 41 off in the mini course. He did a 100

    going first I ended up with a hundred plus thought I was going to die after

    50 but kept on going. If I had gone first would have had my ass kicked. My

    buddy was hardly breathing hard when he stopped, he just figured he did

    enough that I would not beat him. I can only imagine how many the Ross boys could

    do non-stop.

  4. Tried skiing in a course for the first time at 30 years old was able to make full passes on

    first set not sure of the speed probably was 30 mph. Set course up following spring

    and started skiing fairly regularly when conditions would allow (big public lake lots of

    wind and boats and could not ski before 9 AM of after 7 PM ran first 32 off in a tournament when I dropped down to 34 MPH at 35 years old (ran it in a tournament way before in practice due to better drivers and conditions) Ran 32 off in tournament at

    least one set for the next 20 years or so. Took me until age 55 to run 35 off only did it once and it was in practice but with Z0 and a rated driver. Best tournament score is 3.5 at

    35 off. Now I am 65 ran a bunch of 5 at 32 off last year did not run it at 34 MPH ran a best of 4 at 35 off 32MPH. Never had any real coaching for the most part which I think really hurt especially early on when I formed tons of bad habits.

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