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Posts posted by Klundell

  1. @Than I must say I think you might have the record on that one! :) But I too would take buoys over plates any day of the week. @onside135 I definitely agree with Kyle Tate on that one. I started Crossfit during the last off season and we do quite a bit of Oly lifting. Cleans are a great movement for waterskiers. It is a movement that requires speed, quickness, balance, and power. Sounds a bit like trying to transmit forces from a boat to a ski? I had a great season this year and attribute a lot of it to my off season training. I'm doing a lot more this off season so we shall see...
  2. I'm glad there are a few more people out there that are not on the "light on the line" bandwagon. I've never understood the whole light on the line thing? I've been told that I appear to ski "light on the line" but I too am pulling my guts out all the time. I think the difference between light and heavy on the line is all about timing. Look at Nate's Two ball in this video compared to every other turn. He gets deep in the finish of the turn and ends up loading the line early and hanging on for dear life. Unfortunately for me this is what almost all of my onside turns feel like beyond 35' off and I'm not entirely sure how to fix it.
  3. @skiing2heaven I hear what you are saying about more ski in the water creates more drag but I don't think it actually applies like that. I think the more back on the ski you are the more water you are plowing. Like a bad swimmer whose hips drag and has to push more water to get through it. If you swim with your head above water you will have less surface area on the water but you will be pushing a whole lot more water to move forward that's why its less effective. I wouldn't want pressure on the top of my foot going through the wakes. I want equal pressure on both feet balanced and stacked with ski on a good plane.
  4. As a chiropractor I'm very interested in a quality product like this. I took a huge hit out the gates this year whiplashing myself pretty bad. I think a product like cinch makes would have helped.


    It would be awesome if leatt would make a brace. They are huge in motocross and know their stuff when it comes to making a protective neck brace. @Ral you should contact them with your story maybe they would look into it a bit more.


    I might look like I'm going into a war zone with a helmet and neck brace. ha ha.

  5. I'm always up for listening to some outside of the box thinking but the tip rise that we see is always a result of a mistake in the course at some point. Usually I find that the tip rise is a result of preparing for the hit when there is slack line. I do this on my heal side turn all the time. Is it an ideal way of skiing... NO! But is it a skill that I utilize to run my toughest passes... yes. That being said I would much rather run my 38's like TW. I think with more OM 1/4 speed videos we will see the less moving around on the ski and resulting in less tip rise. With the exception of Rossi he is one of those guys that utilizes time rise and if you are looking for a way to implement tip rise he would be the guy to study.
  6. Waterskiing is all about strength to weight ratio. Strong and lean is the way to go. My focus for winter training is going to be more strength based but not the bulk up kind of strength training. I plan on using a combination of O-lifting (quick powerful movements that require strength, speed, balance, and agility... pretty much describes waterskiing) with heavy backsquats, frontsquats, overhead squats, and deadlifts. This is what will really develop the strong core. While mixing in some crossfit metcons to stay lean and in good cardio shape.
  7. Waterskiing is all about strength to weight ratio. Strong and lean is the way to go. My focus for winter training is going to be more strength based but not the bulk up kind of strength training. I plan on using a combination of O-lifting (quick powerful movements that require strength, speed, balance, and agility... pretty much describes waterskiing) with heavy backsquats, frontsquats, overhead squats, and deadlifts. This is what will really develop the strong core. While mixing in some crossfit metcons to stay lean and in good cardio shape.
  8. Kevin Lundell 28 years old Chiropractor out of Ogden UT. I've been skiing since I was 8 competing since I was 12. I took 5 years off from skiing for chiropractic school and have gotten back into the sport the last two seasons. My wife loves to ski and has gotten the competitive addiction this last season afters she qualified and skied in Regionals. I got my OM rating this year and have been loving my 63.75 Nano Twist Mid Ride.
  9. Kevin Lundell 28 years old Chiropractor out of Ogden UT. I've been skiing since I was 8 competing since I was 12. I took 5 years off from skiing for chiropractic school and have gotten back into the sport the last two seasons. My wife loves to ski and has gotten the competitive addiction this last season afters she qualified and skied in Regionals. I got my OM rating this year and have been loving my 63.75 Nano Twist Mid Ride.
  10. I think the age divisions need to designate the top amateur athletes in our sport. But if you regularly compete for money either MM or OM then you need to be bumped into that class and stay there. I'm not sure where the line is but then you can make the MM speed whatever you want if you are required to stay in the group.
  11. @dave2ball - I'm not so sure about your comment about "not having a competitive hair on his ass." I'm not yet the age to participate in the MM or M3 divisions but I did qualify in the OM division this year. My best finish in regionals is 3rd (this season) and I've never received a medal position at nationals (didn't go this year). That being said I did go to the Katy Ski Jam and ski in the Open Men division. It was a great experience but I can certainly say that I was a whole lot more "competitive" at regionals than I was at the Katy Ski Jam when I was just getting my ass handed to me by pros.
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