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Everything posted by ntx

  1. @OB Looks like you might be losing this battle. Admit it, we are everywhere. Plus, they are nice and tight. LOL
  2. @OB. Do they make them in green also for my pre-gates. I don't want two types.
  3. @jody_seal That is one nice ride and ride. Is that the boat they had in Bakersfield in the early 2000'
  4. ntx

    It's Back!!!!

    I am sure that Huston motors is not the first owner. They move a ton of boats on e-bay. I just hope they did not pay too much for it. My guess is that they gave 35 ish
  5. @OB our lake also. Like to kick it old school. Most sites have bigger problems than color of mid course boat guides. How about putting them at the right height.
  6. @doonez You said that you had a prerelease otf with the EXO. Did you move your binding forward or back prior to the prerelease? Remember that they recommend differant settings based on boot location on the rail. I only ask because I had the same thing happen. -38 off skier @58. Had been on the ski and bindings with the same set up for about a month with no problems. Moved the bindings back slightly and had the rail release on the first pass at -22. Went back and looked at the chart and had to change my tension setting. No problems since. Have been on them for two full years and love them. As far as the screw impressions, I have seen that on about every ski that I have had for the past 10 years.
  7. I think Mondor went like 187 or so and held the record briefly in the late very 70's (78/79)
  8. ntx

    Revision R.

    @Chuck_Dickey In the past, after paying a upgrade fee you could pull them from the zero off website to a laptop. Then you need a cable from zero off to transfer them into the system in your boat from your laptop. I think the upgrade was 50.00 to go from rev P to rev Q. Have not seen or heard what the cost will be to go from rev Q to rev R. Once you buy the cable, it can be shared with other zero off system owners. I don't remember what we paid for the cable.
  9. Yes Kelvin, It goes WAY past some of the examples. As a dad of a three event skier AND a hockey goalie I spent HUGE sums of money on both. Hockey team and leaugue fees ran 4,000/5,000 year. Add 3-4 travel hockey tournaments a yeat at about 1,000 per trip. Gear for goalies is like buy new jump skis each year. So 6 months on solid water and 6 months on the lake. Now on the water side. Regionals, Nationals, Junior Dev. Tean trials, Us open, Pan-ams local tournament fees...... and handles, gloves, bindings, vests, skis, GAS to train. I have been blessed that I have not had to pay huge amounts for coach fees. Glad that now all I have is college tuition. LOL Hate to think about some of the annual costs. My guess is that some years in excess of 20,000. Yes, parents are nuts!!!!!!!
  10. I have not seen anything on shadow box for several years. There was supposed to be a new rev release about 2 years ago. That was the last I heard. There is another product called "ripxx" The website is showing that they are out of stock and going to release a new rev. I have not done any home work on them at all. The concept sounds great and I would think that trickers and jumpers could get great imfo back. Could not even find price info. I want to say that the shadow box was about 550 - 600 ?????
  11. ntx

    Mapple 3rd

    Anyone know for sure how long ago that video was from? My guess is close to 20 years. Maybe more. Someone who knows more about the Nautique boat might be able to say what year the boat is. Still 5100 is a big score. Wonder if it included any flips.
  12. I don't care. My ski days are long over. So a system that ranks you based on your current score, may be miss leading. I spend more time in the boat coaching. I bet Jay and Cory do also. Do you gain stars based on the number of posts? That can be misleading. I have seen many post by high star members that are nonsense. Do you bring value with your post or is it nothing more than a comment about Hortons hair? Does Horton award stars for that? I guess I am a quality over volume guy. Some of the people who's views I value the most in this sport, may not be the skier with the highest score. There is tons of knowledge out there not held by EP skiers. Oops meant level 9
  13. Andy Mapple is 3rd after the prelims at the World Waterski Championships. 1st Marc Bedsole 6280 2nd Angel Francisco 5110 3rd Andy Mapple 5090 fyi This is from the trick event. Pretty impressive. It's been a long time since Andy skied a trick event.
  14. Skiers that ski on international teams. (pan-ams, worlds) are random drug tested. About a year ago, a Canadian Wakeboarded that placed in a international event had a positive test and had to surrender his medal. Always rumors about handle section lengths. In our sport how would a cheater benefit? There are no $$$ gains.
  15. @MattP Where are the scores that you claim to be streaming. Between the sub-par webcast.,,ooopppps I mean no-par webcast and no scores (limited) it has been a very frustrating day. Looks like I will be making a 8 hour drive to see in person since we are getting nothing here. My guess is that they are midway thru the 3rd rotation and we have less than five score. I do know that Kerry has not gotten there with Lauren's dog yet. HURRY UP KERRY!!!!! LOL
  16. It was fine very early this am. My guess is that there may be too many viewers. If that's the case, maybe people who don't have kids in the event, could log off so that the parents who support the kids can watch from the office that the need to be at to allow them to pay for the kids to ski. LOL Web cast is really bad now. Very frustrating.
  17. I was wondering the same thing. How did you get A3? KLP step daughter can't get one.
  18. Cool!!! That's Dean's Lake (Drozd) It is a membership required site. 2500.00/year plus gas I think. He has a limited number of memberships he sells each year. Some top slalom skiers train there. Dean, Chad Baker, Steve Binkley, Steve Raphael. Lake Lewisville is a large public lake with many ramps. Most waterfront property in Texas is owned by the Army Corp. You are not allowed to dock your boat in front of your property. Lake Lewisville may have one of the highest lake fatality rates in Texas. Many times a year, boat accidents and swimmer drownings.
  19. @scotchipman You are correct that wind is a issue. Winds here are usually from the south. My guess is that it is the same in every part of the country in that some sites will have better protection than others. East and West lakes with good tree lines on the south, make the wind a non-issue at our site. North and South lakes can be a hit and miss. We do get some sun issues in the morn and evening at times in one direction. We are able to ski in 30 mph winds from the south without a decrease in performance.
  20. But in Fl you have to deal with all the blue hairs.
  21. @gginco Mistaken on sq/ft. Only 3150. It is one of my neighbors. See skihaven.org #10 Ski Haven for sale. I know...... our website su..ks. LOL. One of our members is in the process of a rebuild. North Dallas/Ft Worth. 30 miles west of DFW airport
  22. I am with Joe on that one. There is a 3600 sq/ft house on our lake for less than 300,000. That includes two boats owned by the homeowners assoc. 2 Lakes. 12 Lots. Might be the best lake/lot ratio in the country. Plus, Joe does not have to deal with the congestion of the Austin area.
  23. Team results ASU 6815 UC Davis 6100 Cal Poly 4850 San Diego State 3975 Cal State Chico 3920 UCLA 3420 Western Wash 2965 UC San Diego 2115 Wash State 1820 U of San Diego 850 Top 5 teams go to Nationals starting 10-18 at Bennetts Good luck to all the West Coast Best Coast and Dirty South Teams
  24. My son is on them and has been for two years and loves them. They release when they should.
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