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Everything posted by ntx

  1. @scarletarrow you kind of do get a "three strikes and you are out" In water skiing, they are called rounds. You go to a three round tournament.
  2. If you are going less than 100 feet, ZO does some VERY funny things with fast second segment. If I am not mistaken, there are some pretty good jumpers in your area. What are they telling you? Hopefully they are not the ones who told you to go with a fast second. Get some help from a qualified coach.
  3. There was a product out several years ago called shadow box that was pretty cool. You tracked it on google earth. The demos I saw showed speed, accrelaration, rotation, height, distance..... I was never able to get my hands on one. They were also "sold out" every time I contacted them.
  4. @klindy The best thing for a headache is tylenol or a few adult beverages. It depends on if you are trying to get rid of one, or get one. See you soon?
  5. Keep in mind that a score above zero is also required if qualifiying thru regionals. The rule changed of a few years ago to address the problem of divsions at regionals with small number of skiers. For example, M6 jump may have only 4 skiers but forth place has to land a jump to ski at nationals. This happened at Chicago nationals with a G1 tricker that had a score of zero at regionals but placed in the top five. Lots of headaches over that one.
  6. So, if it starts at the first line length shorter than normal, does everyone outside of the USA all ski short line? The USA is the ONLY place that still has a 75 foot (23M) line length for slalom. My guess is it has to be -22 off or more. -15 at max speed is not short line
  7. @skidawg. Maybe he can in practice, but not in a real tournament.
  8. In slalom, a level 8 ranking IS higher for M4(94.67) than M3(93.00)
  9. @chef23 You are right. I just googled it, and rewatched that scene. Still pretty funny. Sorry about my lame attempt at humor. I think some are still taking it too serious. LOL
  10. @richarddoane My feel shame comment was a failed attempt at humor. I stole the line from a hockey movie (mystery alaska) where a tv commentator is talking to a russian player about how he feels after he is called for a penality. "you skate to box for two mins you feel shame" Sorry no more bad jokes.
  11. @scotchipman @teammalibu I agree with you both 100%. Some of them are regulars to this site. People post about running deep -35 in practice and don't run -32 in tournaments. Hence my comment "you are only as good as your last tournament set" @waternut. No need to feel sorry. It was a choice I made. I admit that I abused my body but I also made a decision to put my energy into trying to allow my kids the opportunity to be successfull in this sport.
  12. @waternut If you go back and re-read one of my posts, I clearly say that I have not skied a tournament OR practice set in at least 8 years. In hind site, I bet it is really closer to 10. I am still very active in the ski world. Both as a host and driver of several tournaments each year. I am not sure what you are referring to about CP and Regina and world records in practice??? Help me with that one.
  13. @brady thank you for the words of encouragement. I wish it was that easy. After more than 25 years of tournaments, I am pretty sure that the tournament set is done for me. I still enjoy the tournamnet scene, the friends made along the way, and supporting others in the quest for success. @tbrenchley There is nothing wrong with the guy who skies against his friends each week for bragging rights. They are skiers also. My point was towards the author of the first post, who stated that "after the best month of skiing in his life, he went to a tournament and failure erupts." All skiers who have walked to a tournament starting dock knows the feeling. Many years ago I read a artical where Kris Lapoint said that the tournament butterflys never go away, the best you can hope for is to try and get them to fly in formation. My first post was to reinforce the concept that tournament skiing, and practice skiing, are two very different animals. And that the results for most skiers are also.
  14. @tbrenchley & @Bruce55 Due to many years of abuse on my body, I have no idea what my last tournamnet score was. It has been at least 8 years since I skied a tournament set OR a practice set. My tournamnet PB was 1@-38 with a practice PB of 4@-38 BUT, practice does not count. This was back in the days of EP's and hand drivers. I wonder when they will start to post practice scores into the rankings list. Or when class C tournaments will be included into the Worlds List.
  15. I know WAY to many skiers who run into 38 off in practice but have never run 32 off in a tournament. So are they a 38 or 32 off skier? Pressure of a tournament is much differant than skiing a practice set. Miss your opener in practice, no big deal. You don't have to swim to shore and feel shame.
  16. You are only as good as your last tournament score. Practice does not count.
  17. We use the flowscan meter. It has some pros and cons. We run it on two club boats and the calibration is off slightly. Since slalom requires a lot of time at low rpm's (sitting at the end of the lake to shorten) the low rpm settings are critical to get very accurate. We have used them for about eight years and have them set on a plate to allow us to transfer them when we upgrade boats. Nautique has a fuel system that returns unused fuel back to the tank. Two sensors are used. One measures fuel from the tank to the motor and the other measures fuel from the motor back to the tank. The display shows the actual used fuel. Installation is pretty easy and we have had very few problems. We have replace a set of sensors but no problems with the display. PM me if you would like more info.
  18. Can't wait to see what the open men have to say about it
  19. My favorite quote from Elgin on the trick dock is. "I don't worry about if I can do a trick, I worry about if I can remember my trick" He is a true inspiration in the sport. Where else can a young B1/G1 skier sit on the dock and carry on a conversation with a man that has been in the sport for as many years as him and have something in common. He is a great ambassador
  20. @andre And the answer to your question is???????
  21. @ShaneH What, no SMRR. I think I saw that State was being moved to SMRR due to low water at Aquaplex
  22. With all the help from Correct Craft that Nate gets, it makes you wonder if he thinks twice about setting a world record behind another boat. You always hear that the contracts have language in them that "discourage" that. Is the 10,000 bonus that was up for grabs yesterday enough for Nate to risk getting a call from The President of Correct Craft today? Thats what I was thinking when he did not attempt 43 in the first H2H. As easy as it looks like he is running 41, I am sure he will get many chances behind the "correct " boat.
  23. The 2013 numbers that @danbirch posted should not even be looked at. Some parts of the country are just starting the season. Kids are just getting out of school. The trend we are seeing in the SCR is huge growth in the B/G 123 age groups. Most of that is from the kids of the baby boomers that have stayed in the sport. (M3/M6) If you look back 25 years ago, when you saw big numbers in M1. They are the M4/M5 skiers we have now. 10-12 years ago it was rare to see a B/G 123 skier at a tournament. Now we are seeing about 1/3 of the skiers in our tournaments are less than 18 years old. The large number of private sites that have been established for many years in the area has also helped get the kids in.
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