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Everything posted by ntx

  1. I think the six flip limit is only a IWWF rule. All class L and R are run under IWWF rules. Any class C tour, you are not limited to the six flip rule. @klindy time for you to conmirm or not????
  2. @eleeski & @Dirt Scores are posted now. ASU UC Davis Western Wash San Diego State Cal State all in to nats. UCLA Cal Poly Wash State all grouped with the rest of the country looking for two wildcard spots. My guess is that two teams from the Midwest will get them. Yes Dave, thanks for the pics. I had to wait several hours after seeing the pics to hear the news of why my kid was sitting on the Master Craft platform looking like he was in pain and two people still in the water. Not good news and it looks like he will be out for several months. He just switched from hard shell EXO's to lace ups bindings. I am not sure that was a good move. One foot in, one foot out.
  3. @wayne have a place on Strawberry Lake. Will touch base with you next season
  4. I don't think there has been a 3 event male skier on any US elite team in several years. Best male choice may be Adam Pickos. I think last years Pan-Am team was Freddy, Adam, Jon, Regina, Caroline, and Erica. No male three eventer.
  5. @skihard I am not sure that I would let a boat hang by the lift rings for extended time. I have seen cases where the hull of the boat bowed due to the unsupported weight of the motor in the center of the boat. Best to have the bunks under the boat to help support the weight along the entire length of the bunks.
  6. My son says his best ever tour. trick pass was at regionals at Cypress one year with T. Caldwell (sorry T) driving, and me pulling pin. @ToddL. I like the way you think. fyi you also owe me for pinning for you at aquaplex earlier this year. Feel free to deduct your commission. For @klindy I am known his "wake enhanceing device" to my son I am known as his portable "fat sack" (he is the only one that can call me that)
  7. @kelvin I know they are in Lake Texoma. I had not heard that they had gotten all the way south to Belton. Yes that is too close. I first saw them about 10 years ago on a lake that I grew up on in Michigan. Having been away from that area for a long time, I did not know the history behind them. What was interesting, was that on my last visit to Michigan this past summer, the same lake was no longer infested. Talking to the locals, they said that after a unusally harsh winter a year or so ago, they disappeared from that lake. The weed growth was as bad as I had every seen it.
  8. @oldjeep. Sorry I did not get the humor. @lhoover is in the Houston area of Texas. That part of the country has not seen the Zebra Mussel problems that exist in the Graet Lakes region of the country. My guess is that he has no idea what a zebra mussel is or the damage it does. So far, Texas has been spared the problem. In the last two years there has been some infestation in the most northern part of the state. The DNR and Texas Wildlife have a campaign of awarenss of the problem, and are trying to educate boat owners about how to not transfer the problem further.
  9. @oldjeep There is NO GOOD REASON IN THE WOLRD to introduce zebra mussels into a body of water that does not have them. The amount of stiches required to sew up skiers sliced up feet after getting out of the water at a tournament would be reason enough to keep them out of any ski lake. There are HUGE efforts around the country to help reduce the risk of them getting into lakes that currently are not infested. Do some research. They ARE NOT good for a lakes eco system. In fact, they may promote weed growth since they do filter and clear the water and allow addtion light thru. Zebra Mussels ARE NOT A GOOD IDEA. Look at what is happening to the Great Lakes area. (Michigan) @lhoover You may be surprised how effective the grass carp can be. I have seen a lake get cleaned up pretty quick. In six months they cleaned out all the weeds and it got to the point where you did not need to weed eat around the water line. LOL They would come up to the lake edge and eat the grass growing at the edge.
  10. @disland any event with more than 20 skiers they are taking 12 to the finals. I think ALL events have more than 20 skiers.
  11. Back about two or three months ago, I posted that "you are only as good as your last tournament pass" I got tons of negative feedback. Nice to know that our great leader @horton thinks the same way. On second thought...maybe that's not so good.
  12. Prett cool that Dave did that with Nate standing there holding his D3 ski.
  13. @Kelvin In addtion to the "team" that the US selects for international events, a skier can ski world events as a indepedent if they are in the top ten on the Worlds Rankings List. The scores must come from class L or R. Next week, the U21 World Championships will be held in Orlando. In addtion to the four member USA team, fourteen addtional skiers from the USA will be there looking for medals also. They qualified entirely based on the Worlds Rankings List. Huge props to the all the people helping to host the event. The homeowners of Lake Hancock should all be recognized for stepping up on short notice to allow this event to happen. Steve Garcia along with Paul Melnick and the rest of the homeowners have done a outstanding job. Thank you guys and see you next week.
  14. @disland Can we get a amen. Skiers are also having to fly all over the country in search of the tournments that offer three event ELR. In some cases only to get condtions that are less than ideal. I have seen skiers fly half way across the country because they needed a score only to find the site is blown out with 30 MPH winds. Turns into a bunch of wasted money. If you look at most of the top skiers, the scores are the same or maybe slightly better in ELR.
  15. The easy money for host sites is pulling practice.
  16. @HPskier1 NOW you are talking like a true baller!!!!!
  17. @MattP I never said that Clemson sandbagged. I said that I think changes were made to avoid that. Which, based on the selection and numbers of the teams from each region, looks like it put the strongest teams in D1 regardless of which region thay came out of. Thats why the west had 1 team and the Midwest had 6 teams. Top 12 teams, D1 the rest D2 Again, glad to see the exposure but wish it had been more truthfull. I guess the media does that. Puts a spin on things to meet whatever agenda they may have.
  18. @cu_ski Yes, you guys did a nice job with limited time. Another attempt and he would have been up.
  19. @MattP If I am not mistaken, the info you are getting off the NCWSA website may be incorrect. I think changes were made in the selection process prior to last years Nationals. It looks like the doc was last updated in2011. I think only the winner of regionals gets a automatic D1 bid. Last year D1 had a total of 12 teams. The break down was. East/3 West/1 Midwest/6 South Central/2 Again, maybe I am wrong, but I think the process was changed to avoid a team from sandbagging at regionals for a spot in D2. I would get in touch with Jeff Surdej
  20. @mattP No, I did not ski in college. I am however, supporting one that does now. And no, they don't have the things that ULM does. The are very much like Clemson, They get no help from the school, no scholarships, no coach, and pay tons for a practice site. They pay all travel expenses out of pocket. The only reason Clemson was not in divsion 1, is that they did not have the talent required to compete in Div 1. That is the only differance between Div 1 & 2. The top 12 teams are Div 1 the rest are Div 2. In the past, teams have sandbagged at regionals to be placed in Div 2 I just wish that the broadcast had been more accurate. fyi Looked like the guy could have gotten up. He rode his butt on the water a long time. STAND UP DUDE. LOL
  21. @KcSwerver the only differance between Daniel and Nate is about six years in age. I bet if you ask Daniel, he might say he is the B3 National Champ. The divsion that he skied in. Had the broadcast said Div 2 national champs, no problem. Thats like saying the winner of the NBAD league is on par with the Heat. Or, the INT league on par with AWSA. They each have there place but make sure others understand what it is. Do you know why they were in Div 2?
  22. @klindy. I have heard that somewhere before. I am starting to believe it. Congrats on your improvements in your ave.
  23. @mattP so you are saying that ULL, Bama, Flordia Southern, Rollins, ASU...... are all pro teams? True, ULM is pretty loaded with "pros" but the rest of them are just a bunch of good skiers. Winner of Div2 is 13th place.
  24. @mattp How in the world is there such a huge differance between practice and tournament?
  25. I am sure ULM may have somethink to say about the "National Champs" what a joke. Div 2 is what? 13th place? Nice to see the exposure, but it would be nice to see some truth also.
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