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Everything posted by ntx

  1. @kelvin I saw someplace that as a result of the venue change they will have to post it after the event. No live feed due to limited internet service. Kind of stinks after ballers funded a webcast. I guess after the fact is OK but......
  2. @ShaneH‌ did the people that complained about the 28 off wake run the pass? You see that a lot. Its the boats fault, it has nothing to do with the way I ski. If you want to see a bump, get behind a mid 80's nautique. Those boats qualify as wakeboard boats by today's standards.
  3. OK. I am offended by this. I sure hope my son does not see this. As a dad if this continues, I may not visit this site anymore. Do you get the humor?
  4. @ms You are right about the golf thing. Remind me which year Miller or Leach finished at the top at the masters as pros?
  5. @ob I think this thread was started about the tournament in Milwaukee. It looks like all the threads are pretty clear about what event they are reference. Try not to confuse them with your event. I understand you are trying to promote your event but there might be a better way.
  6. Looked to me like the little dogs that were in the finals, put on a pretty good show today. Back to back tie of the course record and then running -38 in the run off twice........ Pretty awesome.
  7. Leach 5.25 -38 Miller 5 - 38 Ricci 4-38 Hintringer 3.5 - 38 No one ran 38. Pretty early start for dawgs
  8. With .5 MPH tolerance a 17.12 was out of tolerance so 17.11 is about 33.711111111 In the old days prior to ZO a 17.11 was as slow as you could go and sill be in tolerance. The driver should have been paid in beer or anything else he may have requested.
  9. Looks like the judges have all ready adjusted the 10540 score to 10460. They will make sure that everything is perfect before they submit it.
  10. My guess is that the video will be out as soon as everyone is confident that it will in fact be approved as a record.
  11. @brady. Pretty sure the boat you are looking at is in Austin and not Houston. @MAD11‌ can provide info. It is on the lake he skis on.
  12. I have heard rumors that the cost to maintain water levels in az lakes is close to 10,000 per month to buy water. Just a rumor but I don't think it is to far off
  13. My guess is that the Malibu invoice number is way off. I bet it is in the 49/51 range. I think the other two are close.
  14. I have reard about this also. One of the reasons listed was that it would help to decrease the amount of time required to play a round. Hole size has been everything up to the above stated 15 inch. They also say that there is not a huge benefit once the hole size got abouve 9 inch. At 15 inch I would think that the number of damaged ankles from stepping into the holes would be right up there with skiers hitting a slalom ball with bungee type bindings.
  15. Reports are pouring in that The Nightmare put the new record at 250!!!!! today at Isle of Hancock
  16. @toddF I can only think of one or two that are not listed. One is very recent and has not held any events yet. Some of the old ones have become extinct (Ennis, beaver pond, KYD)
  17. @eleeski‌ I can't believe that the next generation of high income earners can not get a boat for a tournament. Have fun this weekend.
  18. @lpskier‌ my attorney also taught me to count to ten in my head before I answer. That gives him time to object if needed. I like to get the answers. I don't need all the other stuff.
  19. @501Brandon I will give you the simple answer. 1 If a skier doesn't plan to go to a Regional or Nationals event, does it really matter what region they ski in? No 2 Will the skiers average be the same regardless? Yes Simple.
  20. Much like Houston and Austin, the North Texas area has a tourament almost every weekend. Master Craft has not had a promo boat here for two years and does not look like it will have one this year. One Nautique and One Malibu for the entire area. The demand for promo boats is at a point that the owners get burned out getting boats from site to site. It may be that the promo deals are not attractive enough to get boats into the area. The Master Craft dealer here, has no desire to sell or promote 3 event boats. Pretty sad when the owner of the dealership says "I hope I never sell another three event boat again" No lie, he told me that. AND, he was not laughing!!!! I guess the money is too good in the wake board boats.
  21. The ability to ski in wind, is directly related to the amount of "wind protection" you have. We have predominantly south winds. We designed the lake to run east and west and have a tree line on the south side. A 30 MPH south wind is still very skiable. You do need to adjust to the wind on your body, and treat each buoy as a head or tail wind depending on the direction. Pulling long or short. The water condition, is a non factor under this example. Now move that same 30MPH wind from the east or west, and we are pretty much toast. We do at certain times of the year have to deal with the sunset or raise. Usually less than 20 min.
  22. @teammalibu‌ the key in dallas is all about wind protection. Some pretty good options if you know where to look. With a south wind marine creek has great protection. Deans can be brutal with a south wind as @bigtex2011‌ said. I am pretty sure tons of skiers would love to be able to ski at the level of those boys. Dean, chad and the two Steve's are pretty good.
  23. @Edbrazil‌ don't feel bad. I misread it the first time also. I know the record was three. Then I went back and reread it. Congrats Cooper
  24. I have had the opportunity to drive the boat for several of the more popular coaches. All of them well known. The interesting thing was to listen to what they told the skier. One well known coach stressed the same thing to every one of the eight skiers I drove. And he said it in almost the same way to each. Another coach never said the same thing to any two skiers. It sure gave me a different perspective of them. Some get hung up on one aspect and see nothing else. I also agree with @toddl that the coach should have a connection to the skier. They should share in the skiers accomplishments.
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