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Everything posted by ntx

  1. Based on the video that I have seen of Thibaut's run, I don't think his record will be approved. @jlittle is correct that you only have a single pass but you are not limited to the 6 flip rule. Dylan's current record I think had nine flips. Nice to see the trick runs that are getting done now. Fun to watch!!!!
  2. @andjules‌ another vote for neveu. I think he us still under 21 and will have a huge reach advantage over just about anyone else. The kid has got to be about 6 foot 5 or taller. He is pretty new to the sport and his up side looks good.
  3. ntx

    US Open

    Did you see entry fee? 100.00 per round. 2rd 3 event costs 600.00. Wow. Some thought nationals was expensive.
  4. @kfennell‌ I would listen to @Jody_Seal‌.
  5. Call and talk to D3. I bet with the exception of maybe @eleeski‌, you will be lucky to get much good advice about trick ski size here. Slalom ski size OK. Talk to the people that make the skis.
  6. I have been buying boats for the last 28 years. We get one every year or two. I always shop the entire country for the best deals. We have had a pretty even mix of master craft and nautique. Some new, some promo. If you can find a promo owner who understands that he can not turn a profit on his boat, work with him. Some think that they can put 75/100 hours on them and sell them for a profit. Those days are gone. If you look hard, deals are out there. In my mind, promo boats are like a car. There is a certain amount of loss when they roll off the lot. I have three or four go to guys that I have worked with over the years. Great guys. If the promo guys don't expect retail price for a used boat, great deal. They just need to be realistic. I am sure @shaneH has seen a few of them.
  7. I have worked with (manufacturer and designed) a product that is very similar to this on a smaller scale that is used in competetive swimming pools. The problem is that it works in reverse of what we want in sking. This deflects the waves or rollers back to the source. (back into the course) We need something that allows the rollers thru the barrier, onto the shore, and does not allow them back thru the barrier into the course. Think in lines of a one way flapper. Opens to allow waves thru and closes so that they can't come back. I have worked on several prototypes to accomplish that. None of them can be produced at a price point that would make it affordable.
  8. @Chad_Scott I disagree about the scores. What I have observed, is that people that ski a low number of rounds in ELR usually have lower scores in that type of tournament. It might be related to nerves and how a skier deals with that in a higher class event. (reg & nats single rd) Skiers that ski a equal number of rounds in Class C as class ELR, you see that the scores are about the same in both class. The class C end course video will only add to the cost and increase entry fees. Let's keep this as simple as we can for the host clubs. No need for end course video in Class C.
  9. @lakeo running a 43 head wind means that a 41 or a 39 with a opt up (or 43 off the dock) had to happen with a tail. Not a easy feat in any condtion.
  10. @Razorskier1 Senior judges are not required for class C. Regular are ok. With EVP approval, they will most likely allow assistants. One regular as chief judge and I bet the rest of the appointed judges can be assistant. Chief Driver regualar and regular scorer.
  11. This has got to be the most frustrating post ever on BOS. So what I see is. Shorter time in days. More participation. More rounds. Now tell me how to do that. @Horton‌ sereval pages ago you asked what would be the best tournament with the most fun for nationals. For me it would be open men and open women only. 3 RDS and 3 events all in three days. We can call it the 3 3 in 3 nationals. And....... No MM tricks. That sounds like fun to me, what about you? Actually I really fall more along the lines of @tc with some modifications and some of @kelvin in regards to officials. It is crazy that with a event that big all the officals are overworked. In some cases the egos of the officials get in the way. There were some very experienced, and proven officials that volunteered to work the most difficult event. Calling tricks. Nope we got this was the response. In their defense, I have not heard any complaints about judges cutting correctly executed tricks this year.
  12. @RazorRoss3‌ if you are one of the top jumpers in the country, Ron will jump (pun) thru hoops for you. That has been common knowledge for MANY years. I am happy other options are available even if they are more costly. I had a similar experience many years ago. The difference was I never paid for them up front. I bet if your name was Sam instead of Ross you would have your skis. Not really sure it is a good business model but it works for him I guess. Good luck on your season. I hope your team gets jump skis before nationals. Keep us posted. Maybe peer pressure will make a difference.
  13. @MillerTime38 The reason I left out the M/W 5 and above, is beacuse I do not think they are in the growth demo for the sport. The other thing you will see, is that in the older div. most of them ski more than one event. After your post, I went back and included them in the data. There were 626 skiers that posted a score at Nationals. (several signed up but did not ski) 268 were slalom only. Including all divs. the percentage of slalom only got worse and fell to 42.8% @horton Not to worry. Pretty sure that @MillerTime38 and I both know each other. Not a problem @MillerTime38 will we see you at our 3rd slalom in a few weeks? We missed you at our first two this year I think. @murrski You are correct that location is a huge factor that drives the skiers that attend. Closer to home, the more likely to attend.
  14. @millertime38 Looks like the numbers are that 56% of all skiers in M/W 4 and below, skied in more than one event. That means that at Nationals, slalom only skiers are not in a majority.
  15. Everyone wants more rounds. To do that, you must reduce the numbers. Be careful what you ask for. That just might make you the one that gets left out. Then you will hear "I am not going to sit and just watch the event. I want to ski" @Mattp Had you come to this years nationals, you might have heard the joke about why M1 and W1 were on different ends of the week. The rumor was that they were trying to prevent addtional growth of the sport. (just a joke) Look at the numbers at other nationals. You won't find 600 skiers. Again. Increase the rds and reduce the number of skiers. Then, the site increases the entry fee to cover the costs and skiers say "Forget that, I am not paying that much to only ski two rds. How do we make everyone happy?
  16. @MattP‌ Ok Lets use your example. 20 skiers or less per div. in a prelim, then a second rd reduced to a smaller number. It is still very likely that you will still be limited to a single rd. Next you say that 1 rd is not fun. Now I know that you are a collegate tournament skier. All of them are a single rd three event. Are you saying that you go, but you dont have fun? I undersatnd that there is a much differant enviroment, but does that mean that there has to be a drunk free for all to have fun? Then you talk about night skiing. Does that mean that we have to have a book of unwritten rules? Just a quick question. Have you ever been to or competed at AWSA Nationals? @Horton‌ In the part of the country that I live in, we can attend a 3 rd slalom tournament every weekend and not have to travel more than a hour or two. We do it in a single day. That concept gets old after a while. It is the same thing and the same people. Part of the draw to the nationals is the social side of the event. There are many people that we reconnect with from across the country that we see once a year. (at nationals). Many things can be done to shorten the time required for nationals. The early part of the week this year, the slalom lakes started at 9 and were done by 1 or 2. The jump and trick lake ran ALL day. Move some of the trick events to the unused slalom lakes. Start slalom at 7:30 instead of 9. Reduce the days from six to four. If that happens, do the ski manufactures still come out to sell there products? I really have no problem with the current configuration. Yes it could be reduced in length but I don't think a muti-rd event is the answer. Maybe put the trick and jump skis on, then you can ski three times. @MillerTime38‌ spoken like a true slalom Forgot what I was going to say.
  17. @chris_logan and we all know that tubing is safe. LOL Sorry to hear this. If they enforce the 20MPH speed limit, most tubing happens above that speed.
  18. Even if you limit to the top 20 in each div. B1 - M6 is 180 skiers plus 180 on the female side. Now add another 25 skiers for M7 thru MB and the same on the female side. That brings the numbers up to about four hundred. Times 2 rd and three events. Not sure you are getting that done in a weekend. If you want mult RDS and three events not more than five skiers per div. How about the top single skier from each region per event and the top overall skier. At that point not many on here get to play. It needs to stay one rd three events. People all ready complain about having to ski both regionals and nationals. Now you want to add a state requirement. No thanks.
  19. @MillerTime38 One of the biggest expense is for lodgeing for officals. Between Judges, scorers, drivers, announcers, safety and TC that is a bunch of rooms for a lot of nights. I am sure that awsa gets a cut also. On a side note, a site like San Marcos that has a addtional lake that runs all day long practice, can make a ton of extra cash.
  20. @schroed I have often thought about that also. A airport that is not accustomed to the amount of 3 event bag traffic that all of a sudden starts to hit them, if the baggage handlers take on a differant attitude about the contents. My guess is that by the end of the week, bags got treated a little differantly than they did early in the week. Just a guess, but I would not be shocked.
  21. I am pretty sure that Nautique had a ton of leverage with Andy returning to ski. After all, Nautique writes Andy a check as a consultant and I am sure Andy works with the Nautique new product development team. Watch any Nautique ad, Andy is all over it.
  22. @LeonL‌ sorry I did not connect the two events. On here you never know. Someone recently suggested that a reride be granted because the skier did not know the rules and the judges did not tell him the rules. There is a wide range of posters here. It is hard to know the sarcasm from the .........
  23. @JC McCavit‌ on what grounds should he have been offered a reride? The ski is skier supplied and it is his responsibility that it is in good condition. Same with your handle. If it breaks a two ball you are done. The situation is different if the rope breaks. Then a reride should be granted. Very unfortunate. Glad D3 stepped up. I am very surprised. I can't imagine them doing that often. Discount maybe if the ski was real new, but not a replacement.
  24. Really is a pretty easy trick. We did around the boats 35 years ago. Almost every show team or performance at sea world did them.
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