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Everything posted by ntx

  1. If it can be a three day event.... no problem. Stretch it beyond the actual weekend, and lose all the 17-22 year olds that are in higher education. I think that this was talked about last year with the nationals survey. I think the results showed that most did not support a holiday weekend nationals. @klindy might have more info.
  2. ntx

    Kids Ski

    @Bruce_Butterfield. Lol I think that is twice in the last few days that @Hallpass has shown his butt here. He is new here and should learn soon. Welcome to the forum Hallpass. Take advantage of some of the knowledge that is shared here. It is a great place to get info from people that have been doing this stuff for a long time with a high success rate. The Butterfield kids are two of the best in the country both on and off the water.
  3. I agree with @MrJones I have no interest in a nationals over the labor day weekend.
  4. I have always said you need to edge thru the air.
  5. @Hallpass. Sorry you missed my sarcasm. Lol. In reading many of the posts, people are saying that they won't ski a tournament because they feel they are not competitive and can't win. My sarcastic statement was to give them a medal..... I agree. Medals for all is BS and is what has gotten us to where we are now as a society. Everyone wants to be rewarded before they even run the race. Another baller and I had this exact discussion tonight. With the exception of regional and national medals who cares??? I Guess the pan-am team and overall medals are ok too. State and local ones end up in the trunk of the car and forgotten about. Push for bigger goals.
  6. I think we all need to get participation medals. That's it!!!!!
  7. I hope you guys realize that PP is RPM based system. Any time you change your prop you should check and possibly recalibrate the baseline.
  8. @PhilSymo If you go to 55 and then back to 58 do the time still come up on the slow side??? Maybe a metric thing??? What does it do if you go to english units and run 36? Still slow?
  9. @MattP In past years, the Big Dawg events would fill up and have a waiting list within a few days of the start of registration. The last few events in the states, do not look like that is the case. I think the early events had a field of 50 for the first two rounds. Now they are getting less than 35. @richarddoane Sorry you had a conflict of interest. It makes it tough to fill events.
  10. @Ilivetoski In the past, at Travers I have seen a premium for coaching from Jack.
  11. @foxriverat Pretty sure that is Ronnie Martin's boat. I have no first hand knowledge of the boat, but Ronnie has been in the tournament scene forever in Texas. (At least 25 years that i have known him) He was a excellent three event skier that has slowed down a little with age. Great guy.
  12. @kfennell that makes sense I guess.......
  13. @klindy. Is it not the case that it really does not matter which round you ski in. In a three event multi round tournament. If you only ski each event one time but slalom in round 1. Trick in round 2 and jump in round 3 you should still get a overall score. I think all the scores are supposed to be lined up. First jump first slalom first trick should all be first overall score. I know that most times it does not score this way but I remember seeing that in a rule book someplace. If you suck your first round slalom and put up a big score in slalom the second round......you are not supposed to skip first round trick and ski second round. The first time in each event goes to your overall score regardless of the round it was performed in... I THINK...... You don't always see it that why but it might be something that needs to be looked at in the scoring software.
  14. @kfennell. What benefit are you getting by skiing the class L slalom?? The only real benefit is that the reduction is less if you have less than three scores on the rankings lists. Save the money and ski class c.
  15. @aupatking as a skier, sitting in the water for a extended time to get the call right, is not the answer either. My guess is that no skier would want to sit for several minutes in bindings that my or may not be cramping his feet before he takes a gate at his next pass. Especially at 41. Usually in situations similar to that, the boat judge will explain to the skier that there is a question about the call and give the skier the option to continue "at risk" I have no clue if this was done or not in this case. In any case, it sounds like Nate was told before his set started that 5 at 39 was the score to beat.
  16. What @Kelvin said. Nautique is the masters and all that goes with it. It has been like that forever. I like the fact that they have a webcast. Did I say I like that there was a webcast. Remember that the next time you say. Why was there not a webcast??
  17. Cluster bs. Nate has grounds for a protest. He should know the prior score to beat before he takes the water. The judges got this wrong.
  18. I bet that since Dodd is a mastercraft skier, he gets some high consideration also.
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