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Everything posted by Dacon62

  1. Speaking of wind...How is Canyon Lake in Cali?
  2. @Golfguy Have looked all over the greater Phoenix area and same problem as @Horton in that other stuff to do is 1-1.5 hours away from reasonably priced skiing (Buchli, Lakeside, Spring Mountain). And the closer lakes are only for the super rich (Crystal Point, San Tan) and the min. sq. ft house size is way more space and cost than anyone needs. Especially as it would be used only for the 6 months of our winter. It kills me that my wife loves Phoenix and would be on board to buy a place “down south” for winter but neither of us want to be that far away from decent shopping, restaurants and other things to do.
  3. Underwhelmed...guess less is more?!
  4. Wow, been close to 3 months since the original post and still nothing...though we would have heard something by now.
  5. Getting the timing right for the pull out is critical in getting a good gate shot to set up the timing/rhythm for the pass. Without 55 meter bouys it’s tougher to consistently nail the pull out. Makes it more challenging for sure.
  6. The MOB system looks like it would be very safe but just how much does the large, long aluminum plate reduce the ski flex and in turn reduce the skis turning performance. Or are the attachment points on the ends floating so as to reduce this? Please provide insight/experience.
  7. The further the distance from the rotation point that the rope contacts the arm the more shake or snap you will get. Can’t figure out why they don’t shorten the arm to reduce this for better quality video? My simple Ski-Doc gives better quality video simply because the rope rotates the sleeve very close to the rotational center point. These long arm units will be smother with a shock tube because the shock tube takes up some of the rope slap and dampens it’s motion. Just my 2c worth.
  8. So good! Very well done. Also good wake comparison between what I assume is the MC 197 and the new Prostar!?
  9. Don’t think so other than the 2018 Boa clickers can tighten and also loosen with rotation of the dial. The 2017 if you had over tightened them and wanted to loosen them you had to pull up on the dial to free up the cable/rope then push down on the dial and rotate to click them tight again. Quicker fine tuning on the 2018.
  10. @"bf`" reverse Tyler twist seems to be working!! @lpskier will ask Dr. About PRPT. Many great suggestions. Thanks to you all!!
  11. Wow...nobody has even tried or driven a direct drive with this tech and all this poopooing. It may be awesome or it may be a flop but let’s give it a chance. Hey it’s something new (potentially) for us direct drive guys. When’s the last time that happened!?
  12. +1 on the O’Neill Slasher. Floats well, light, doesn’t hold water, flexible...etc. all good.
  13. 56 sets. Wish I lived somewhere warmer.
  14. Near the end of the ski season I started feeling, what felt like overuse or tight muscle/fatigued tendon, around the right arm, inner elbow area where the forearm tendon joins the elbow bone. I am LFF and right palm up grip. I use a 13" bent, 1.08" diameter handle. I started the season with a new Masterline rope and it still has a proper amount of stretch to it. I get a new rope every year. Have been told this is called Golfers Elbow and need to wear a velcro strap around the forearm just below the elbow joint specifically made for this. Got all that but now what?? Any tips to enhance or speed up healing? Am I in danger of ripping the tendon off the bone in the future? Lots of questions not a lot of answers. Any insight or advise anyone has would be appreciated. Getting older sucks... Thanks, Dave
  15. Guessing those are all for different vintage Nautiques. The bottom 2 look like they are for the NWZ was it ‘90-‘96?
  16. I think as close to ideal is a Malibu Txi...higher freeboard won't dive in front end as easily. And it's 6" longer than the 200. Makes a difference in bow space. Or if you want to go older the 1999-2004 Sunsetter LXi skis great, has lots of freeboard and copious storage, but no Zero Off.
  17. Is mapping the course critical to get PP to work well?
  18. My unit works OK in RPM mode but not usable in Slalom Mode. It is a Wakeboard Pro Stargazer 8.06 edition. And yes I have done all the recommended servo, etc. tests. Slalom mode over and undershoots way too much even without a skier. Even in RPM mode I get what @escmanaze is saying. At the short set up end of the lake boat comes in hot and not settled yet then is slowing down as you round one ball giving you massive slack and ruining your pass. Not a problem at other end were we can run out further and give Boat more time to settle into the speed. Talked to Mark at PP. Very helpful. Sent the box and puck in for a check and to reflash with ver. 9.0 today. He asked if the any of unit or wiring ran near my depth finder. Guessing that may disrupt the signal? May have to reroute the wire from puck to box. Also has anyone had the unit just cut out and the boat come to a stop? Thinking the 3 times that happened this year the boat had been sitting in the heat of the day. Maybe something overheated and signal was lost? Should know more soon once the tests are run by PP factory.
  19. Built a sit on "L" bracket that was padded and hung off the boom. Was good for learning front or backwards footing. Never hit it in a fall cause the boat moved away faster than the arc of the fall. Super easy to build.
  20. Here is a boat close to me. https://goo.gl/i4w41Z If it is something your interested in after talking to the dealer I can go inspect it for you if you like and report back. You just missed a 2002 Sunsetter LXi that was close to me as well a week ago. Don't see it listed so guessing it sold. If it pops up again will let you know.
  21. Have to pay RIV fee (think around $300 to cover trailer inspection) and GST at border. Then about 1-2 years later you will get a bill in the mail for the PST...oh yeah your in Alberta so no PST.
  22. If I read the original post correctly the comparison is between a 2017 (prior shape) and 2018 Radar Lithium Vapor (new shape). So not the Pro build (PMI core) but the Lithium Vapor (PVC core).
  23. HaHa @A_B so you have NEVER had any kind of issue with a Nautique or any other boat you have owned? Cheap shot even if it was in jest.
  24. Welcome to Ball of Spray @herkyjerky. You can drive for me anytime and always enjoy skiing together no matter what boat it is.
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