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Everything posted by webbdawg99

  1. If you can run a slalom course, you are a better skier than 95% of people that have ever strapped on a slalom ski. "Good skiing" is a relative term. Our perspective is just very skewed. I remember the first time I rode in the boat and watched a guy run 15 off at 32 mph....I was literally jaw dropped. Having skied open water my whole life....that wasn't just good skiing, that was amazing skiing! Say "thanks" and keep a good perspective!
  2. I don't think it's supported on mobile. Is that correct @MattP
  3. The ironic thing is the guys that are boasting about their practice scores are the same guys that ski tournaments.
  4. You won't meet a nicer, more generous guy than Keith. The best part of this sport is the kind of people it attracts....and Keith is no exception.
  5. Ubersense is what @skiep uses to train national champions and record holders!
  6. @Rpc29 I will be heading West to carve some powder as soon as you're settled in. We'll miss you around here but congrats!
  7. Even BOS getting a little love if you notice Keith's hat! http://www.wctv.tv/sports/headlines/Breeden-Skis-Trifecta-223074461.html
  8. The article OB posted is great. I also recommend a book called 10 minute toughness. But that article is much more to the point. For me, the more I skied tournaments, the more I realized that no one else really cared how I skiied. Everyone there was only concerned about their own scores! That alone takes away a lot of pressure. The only people that have a vested interest are your ski partners....and you ski with them every day in practice!
  9. It's all in the perceived tone. Happy bc you are skiing well and passionate about the sport? Awesome! Being boastful? I'm checking your tournament scores!
  10. In his interview with Dave Goode posted on the home page, Nate said "2.5 was a safe score". This guy is superhuman. It won't be long until he gets 3....and then more. Superhuman.
  11. @Edbrazil I think that most top level skiers would argue that you should be going around the zero ball at 28 and 32. It will impact different people at different line lengths. But it does get in the way for everyone eventually!
  12. "Almost as big as the adjustable fin" Really?
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you move the radar boots/plate by smaller increments? There's gotta be more to it....I hope.
  14. Well I guess the buzz has started. I myself am skeptical
  15. I'm surprised BOS isn't buzzing about this....but then again, not really.
  16. @LOTW As long as you are measuring from the heel and NOT the lip that is used to secure the boot into the release......you should be doing it right. Measure from the part of the boot just below the "lip"
  17. I watched Tadd ski his first set on the Vapor the other night. He put the boots at Rini's settings which ended up center hole. However, he definitely appeared to be riding the tail and I dont think it was from his body position. I told him he probably needed to move the boots forward.....seems that others are experiencing the same thing.....
  18. Definitely get higher on the boat in your gate pullout. You start narrow and end up skiing ths entire pass narrom. Also, your shoulders are leading your body into the wake. Work on getting the hips up. Your hips should never be behind your shoulders. Overall, pretty solid! Welcome aboard!
  19. Depending how advanced you are, you may get just as much bang for your buck by coming to ski at Waterski Atlanta or driving up to Whitestone. There are lots of people, myself included, that love helping people get better....and are completely capable of doing so.
  20. Just curious. Why do you want a ZX-1? I used to have one and loved it...so not bad mouthing it. Just curious if there was some special quality you were looking for and/or appreciated about it
  21. A few things that jump out to me. 1. You seem to be riding the back of the ski in the turn and at the finish of the turn 2. Shoulders seem to be more closed to the boat than is ideal. 3. Your upper body is ahead of your hips as you are approaching the wake. Need to get hips up 4. Arm separation. Need to keep the hips up and arms tucked into your vest. I like your vision. In one of the pics you appear to be looking at the next ball. You seem to do a pretty good job of keep your shoulders level....you just need to get your chest facing the boat more
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