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Everything posted by webbdawg99

  1. I've seen this system in use first hand. I've also witnessed the development and attention to detail that has gone in to its production. It has been refined iteration after iteration. From what I've seen, it may end up being the safest hard shell system on the market today. Don't overlook OB4 Systems!
  2. Dont worry ballers! Despite the name, @OB is NOT the mastermind behind this system!!
  3. @MattP It IS an available weekend. I could be easily persuaded
  4. Biggest advice for offseason training for you: mental training. It's the only thing that is different between practice and tournaments. I picked up a book called "10 Minute Toughness". In my opinion, doing some mental training will improve your tournament scores more than anything else at this point! And as far as goals moving forward.....set a goal to become a whitestone lot owner within x amount of time!!
  5. Well played @MattP, well played indeed!
  6. This happens to be right across the street from me. HIIT by way of stadiums and sprints will be part of the routine!
  7. @John Brooks, I am hoping to rally some support to host regionals again within the next couple seasons.
  8. @rayn It usually gets going in April and runs into November. Of course the boats stay on the lifts year round. So if you want to bust out the dry suit you can ski year round
  9. @kstateskier, that is Whitestone Lake Estates in Talking Rock, GA
  10. Damn its good to be in the southeast! The most premier ski lake in Georgia just sold a lakefront lot that is 1.2 acres for $35,000. Oh and there are TWO lakes and TWO Nautiques with Zero Off.
  11. @Jody_Seal I'm going to try and make it to divorce. You bringing that sweet boat with you? By the way, I love the mod you made to the throttle.....much more comfortable and easy to operate
  12. Great weekend despite the rain. It was great to see so many collegiate skiers out enjoying the weekend. Best of luck to all the teams at Regionals next weekend!
  13. An eagle vest is not uscg approved. They don't get your seal of approval? They are impact/tournament vests. If you want a seal of approval, get one the coast guard approves.
  14. His body position doesn't appear any different in the last frame than the frame before. And judging by the spray off the ski, it doesn't appear that the path of the ski was ever greatly disturbed either. Amazing how people can see completely different things in the same photo.
  15. Entire spray line inside the ball?? It looks like the ball is in the spray line......
  16. Most likely, in full speed with no video review, that will be called 4.5
  17. "From these pictures"......it's not clear. Between 4 and 4.5. Definitely not 5. I'm leaning towards 4.
  18. I think @sethski has made reference to coaching the individual bc natural variations exist. We all work so hard to emulate a certain skier or apply a specific technique. Maybe we are approaching it wrong. But yes, fundamentals are fundamentals and should not be ignored.
  19. Here is an excerpt from an article I recently read about weightlifting. I can't help but think about how it may or may not parallel slalom skiing. I agree with the basis of the article. We all walk, run, skip, sit....and ski differently. What works for you may just not work for me because of physiological differences. Thoughts? "One of the first questions I ever asked John Coffee was what lifter’s technique I should emulate. John said “Noone. Everyone is made a little differently, you lift the way you lift.” Anatomical variations dictate that the barbell will be negotiated from the ground to overhead in a different manner from person to person; a coach must be able to recognize that a slight deviation from what is taught in weightlifting videos, seminars, etc. is not necessarily a fault, but a product of this individual difference. From the ’85 Weightlifting Symposium, Dr. Angel Spassov writes, “We suppose that highly qualified weightlifters have high individuality of technical mastership. This stipulates some deviations from the well-known laws, which can be quite significant, and sometimes can be qualified even as mistakes or errors in the readings.” Anatomists have concluded that there is on average a 30% variance in anatomical structure between two random subjects, whether it be relative limb length, muscle and tendon origin and insertion points, etc. I’m certainly not trying to quantify an exact variation that is acceptable. I’m trying to say that we’re all different. Some will perceive any variation to a standardized technique as a fault. It is ultimately the coach’s prerogative as to how he distinguishes between faults and variations (if at all)."
  20. @wtrskior First, let me sincerely apologize to you if any of our banter has come across as arrogance. We are competitive, however. I think if you do ever decide to get involved in the tournament scene, you will meet some of the nicest, most gracious, and enthusiastic people you've ever met. Dont knock it until you try it. And I second what @Than said.....perceived arrogance is probably a lot stronger on the internet....and pretty much non existent at 99% of the tournaments I've been to.
  21. @DanE I wasn't referring to you specifically. @OB...just for you... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d29VsG35DQM
  22. @DanE If you're posting your practice pb on BOS, then I can only assume that you do give a rats ass what others think. Otherwise, why post it?
  23. Can we all agree on one thing? If you run your pb in practice AND its not at speed...it DEFINITELY doesn't count!!!
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