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Everything posted by webbdawg99

  1. @Horton I am going to give the airlines a fair opportunity to make things right. Wouldn't be fair to them to go on a negative pr campaign.....yet
  2. @OB based on what FACTS are you able to make that statement? Easy to armchair quarterback the whole situation. Whether or not they should've allowed the reride isn't what caused the mess. It's how they handled it after someone complained about the decision.
  3. I don't blame SportTube at all. It's a high density plastic and has it's limitations. When baggage is handled with any level of respect, I don't think there would be any issues. The things arebt resistent to pure negligence and possible abuse. I'm sure we could buy a stronger case, but you'd certainly pay a hefty price. Bottom line, if the airline had treated my luggage with any respect, the SportTube would've been more than sufficient to protect my gear.
  4. Let's just hope that the entire situation is a learning experience and we don't see such a train wreck ever happen again in the Big Dawg.....or any other event for that matter!
  5. I don't want to go into any specific details about the airline. However, I will absolutely be filing a very detailed report and pursuing financial compensation. Anything I may be able to get back from them will be going straight to D3. They stepped up when they didn't have to. Fingers crossed that I have some success with the airline.
  6. I traveled to Austin with one of my ski buds. We packed my SportTube with 2 slalom skis and a trick ski. When I arrived in Austin, this is what my SportTube looked like: Where the damage was happened to be where my bud's ski was. When we got to the hotel, we inspected his ski and didn't notice any damage. Before skiing the next day, I took a quick look at my D3 Quest but wasn't really worried about it. Here is me skiing at Nationals, going through the gate on my opening pass: Unfortunately, that is probably the only pic of me skiing, because a split second later, I was in the drink. I felt like my slalom ski became a trick ski as soon as I changed edges into 1 ball. I went down in a big ball of spray....completely confused and baffled.....until I took my ski off: The shining light in all of this was Paul Crawford and the guys at D3. I went to the booth basically to order a new ski. I showed Paul my broken ski and explained that I was confident that the ski had been structurally compromised during my flight. So what did Paul do? He is sending me a complimentary replacement ski. WOW!!!! I was speechless and am still dumbfounded at his generosity. Although I'm still super bummed at my misfortune, I am truly grateful for Paul and the other folks at D3. I hope to be carrying my new D3 to the M2 podium at next year's nationals. Thank you Paul and D3!
  7. People are packing up on the shoreline. A decision needs to be made
  8. I just hope that we don't see anyone pull out of the next event "due to injury". If they do, I hope they still agree to testing to remove any suspicion of their true motivation for withdrawing from the event.
  9. At this point, @MattP's liner is more duct tape than actual liner
  10. I think they are made by Roxa in Italy. They may look familiar, but they are different.
  11. ......is running your second a few days later!!! Glad to know it wasn't a fluke. And apparently @OB is a good luck charm because he was in the boat both times! And yes.....it was practice.
  12. @rico. That's true. Some of us are better at maintaining outbound speed than others. For me, slowing down a bit gave me much more control. Speed doesn't cause slack, direction of speed does. But the harder/faster you go, the smaller the margin of error becomes for the proper edge change
  13. So I was skiing with @OB tonight. And Bruce's comment saying, "width establishes angle....how hard/fast .....determines speed/control" is exactly what OB had me working on. I was starting with good width, but was carrying too much speed into 1 at 38 off, resulting in a little slack line at the end of the turn. After fine tuning what I was trying to accomplish through several attempts, I ran my first 38 off ever tonight and got 2@39!
  14. And from the pic of above you can also see the same red lining on the front boot liner
  15. Heck! Even the decal placement looks the same.....
  16. Reflex front RTP rear RFF Dark hair Hairy legs Take your pick
  17. Are you coming to Whitestone for Disabled Nationals in August?
  18. Someone mentioned a state's laws. I'm curious about this as it's become a point of discussion at my site. According to my states DNR page, you must be 16 to operate a vessel over 16 feet in length in the state. However, we are a private ski community with 2 private lakes, a gated entry, and are not open to the public. And according to that definition, we are not "waters of the state". So is the correct assumption that the age restriction does not apply to us? The regulation does not say that it only applies to "waters of the state". The regulation simply says "within the state". Anyone familiar with DNR legislation. My assumption here is that we are not required to abide by this regation. Anyone know or have any insight?
  19. @rawly I appreciate the offer....but I just wouldn't feel right doing that. And yes, the LE has the better options.....including the hydro gate. I have 2 potential replacements right now. Just working out logistics/pricing.
  20. @Ghibli Looking for a 2011 to 2013 200 with less than 500 hours. Price is of course an important factor
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