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Posts posted by Mateo_Vargas

  1. I first met Skip at the Collegiate Nationals, I think it was '91. A guy on our team had spray painted "MasterCrapht" on the bottom of his trick ski and he stood up his conservative 1 pass trick run so on the way back he could do his crowd pleasing tumbleturn. A local reporter got a picture which totally showed the bottom of the ski and the paper printed it the next morning. That day we heard a guy from MasterCraft was looking for him and didn't know what to think. Skip and his orange hat finally tracked him down and he said he loved it! He also said he had something for him and asked him to come over to his car so I tagged along. Skip gave him a MasterCraft hat and I got one too for being in the right place at the right time. I've owned 15 MasterCrafts since then so got to meet Skip again at events during that time. He was a great ambassador for towed water sports and will be missed.
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