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Everything posted by skinut

  1. Early this season I stuffed the tip right after the second wake. (I think there is a video of Nick Parsons with the same wreck) I went from skiing to face plant in the water in less than a second. It was one of those wrecks were when you come to the surface you start to wiggle your toes to make sure you aren't paralyzed. pretty scary at the time but didn't stop me from skiing the next set.,
  2. @BraceMaker-I winterized my boat yesterday and I was wondering if I could just briefly run the boat on the trailer until the water was out of the engine in stead of draining the block. Which is a lot like your suggestion with regard to clearing out the AF before putting the boat in the water Edit-(reread your post and it says the marina used a fake a lake). Obviously, you could overheat your engine or tear the impeller apart if you weren't careful. But for a short period of time it should be ok, right?
  3. @brewski-good advise. I discontinued the practice after I noticed the change.
  4. I had mine at four and it felt like it was pretty tough to manually release, see Andy's release test. I put it at whati would guess is a three to three and a half and it was much easier to release. I also noticed that after having the boot locked in the binding while not in use seemed to release easier the next time I skied. I wonder if it has to do with the spring being compessed for long periods of time as it sat in that garage.
  5. @gator1-does your mod work with reflex?
  6. How about the name of that paddle boat. Looks like Sw___ little hummer. Must be used for pleasure cruises ;)
  7. @Texas6-Nut Sprains count, a nut break trumps all other injuries. ; P
  8. Arm and elbow are the same. As are head and ear drum. The survey program won't allow for more selections, otherwise I could have added several more.
  9. The question is: What body part have you injured the most frequently while skiing?
  10. For those of you who have created a survey, how do you do it?
  11. @Kona +1 for Ski Tracks App. I logged a 40k vertical in one day. Man, my legs were shot!
  12. @Larrynipon-What broke your ankle? Did the ski tip grab and the boot not release in time? Just curious, since I am coming off of a ankle break caused by ligaments pulling a small piece of bone off the ankle. I was skiing the nano one and stuffed the tip and my PowerShells didn't release.
  13. I love POW! I will put up with four season and frozen lakes as long as I can float through fresh powder.
  14. I just moved from PS to the Reflex. My first set on the Reflex was a bit of a rodeo. I am not sure if it was the bindings or the fact that I was just getting back on the water after 6 weeks from an injury. One thing I did notice was that I relied upon my rear boot on the PS more than I realized. It was a really weird feeling to try and turn my offside without a true rear boot. After two or three sets the boots feel more and more comfortable.
  15. Here is TW's email for the ArmGuard. twcues@gci.net I ordered my second one from him last year so as of then he was still making them. I honestly don't understand why people don't use handle guards.
  16. @ShaneH I must have a bad puck since I my ZO screen tells me no ZO differential lock. It would also explain why my gate indicator beep is delayed when I enter into the course. On one end it beeps at the appropriate gates. On the other end it is delayed by about 20 feet.
  17. What are the symptoms of a bad puck?
  18. Thanks for all the input. I'll try my lace up support and see how that goes.
  19. @Shane-what were the wake characteristics on the 200 that hook eliminated?
  20. So I am just about to start skiing again after stuffing my ankle at the 5 ball. Ended up with a major sprain and some bone that was torn off the end my Fibula. I spent 4 weeks in a walking boot and now I am a week and a half into rehab. I think this week I will be good to go for skiing. I was wondering if many of you that have had ankle injuries use tape or an ankle brace when you ski. Are there other ways to protect your ankle?
  21. I feel your pain. Get well soon. I hope to be back on the water by the end of the summer after a nasty sprain and fractured ankle. My ski tip caught rounding a buoy and I jammed the ankle.
  22. My first Nautique was that exact same color scheme. I miss that boat.
  23. @Klundel-Kevin-my boots are set to stock(with the spring) with the recommended dual lock for my weight.
  24. @jedgell-Doug was totally to blame. Robert was driving so I'm sure that had something to do with it! Based on other threads it sounds like this is just an inherent danger of water skiing. I was hoping that others had some data on the Reflex in this type of situation. It sounds like it might be a little safer but there is still some risk.
  25. So first tournament, first set, rounding five ball 32 off, I'm late, I crank a turn on my offside with my nano 1. Boom ski tip finds the water and comes to an abrupt halt. My ankle and shine bone try to touch. End result, as my Ortho put it, Mega Sprain with two chunks of ankle bone ripped off by my tendons. Six weeks in walking cast, who knows how long in rehab. I was wearing Powershells so there was no way I was coming out in that kind of fall. Other than Gator's mod is there any way to prevent this type of injury. Can technique help, what a about a different ski (my prior ski was an X7 and I never had this problem)? I am really worried about doing it again.
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