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Everything posted by skinut

  1. @londonskier blue has a different layup. Other than that the skis are the same.
  2. @mmosley899 -How do you move the bindings once they are mounted to the ski? Can you move them forward or backward with out moving the mounting plates?
  3. Just skied with Larkin. I can't say enough about what a great coach he is. Very laid back. The sight is close to the Airport. If you stay at the Trump National Doral you're only about three miles from the lakes. Just make sure you aren't on the roads during rush hour!
  4. Went from the green to the blue. Definitely a better turning ski. I felt like the ski was more predictable at the finish of the turn and I could count on it being in the right position so I could start my pull across the wakes.
  5. @Horton- in your review you mentioned that to make the offside work better you need to have a high roll angle and front foot pressure. What is your definition of "roll angle" and what is the best way to create it. The design of this ski (and the settings used for this review) requires that the skier not approach the ball with a combination of low roll angle* and insufficient front foot pressure followed by an attempt to drive forward and turn all at once. This will cause the ski to stall. In other words, to turn off side smoothly on the Vapor the skier needs to drive forward and arc in early. The dynamics of short line skiing are such that this behavior is only a problem when the skier is early and drawing a path parallel to the boat.
  6. My 200 has the same problem. Like the OP says it doesn't affect the skier but it sure is annoying. I have talk to the folks at ZO and they said they'd send me a new puck to test but since it doesn't seem to affect the skier I really am not motivated to replace the pucks.
  7. @hipsup I think the reason that OB4 are not more popular is that they are relatively new. Reflex has been around for quite some time and have been increasing in popularity. I'm guessing if the OB4's hold up and they can market the product that they will be more popular. A couple of years ago I switched from Powershells to Reflex due to safety. I am a lemming in the fact that I had a lot of positive reviews of the Reflex safety characteristics and wanted to lesson injures. I certainly wasn't trying to follow a fad. Had the OB4 been in production I would have gone with that system. I love the Reflex but I agree that the OB4's are safer in certain types of falls.
  8. @gginco I second Scot's comment. We are at 4500 in elevation with a 2100 lake and the boat (a 2014) struggled to get to speed at 34. No way you'd get up to 36. Wake is great and layout but it seemed the steering required a lot of input.
  9. @rico Nautique has a bad wake at slower speeds and 22 off? Are you referring to older models? The 200 has a great wake for slow speeds and 22 of is one of the best in the business.
  10. skinut

    SN 200 5.7/ 6L

    @skierjp I have the 668. It does have a better hole shot but not noticeably. I think the 422 has a better wake than the 668.
  11. skinut

    SN 200 5.7/ 6L

    @swc5150 has a good point. But if you are above 4000 feet you'll want the 6.0. Our lake is 4500 ASL and the lake is 2100 feet. I don't know if the 5.7 would be able to get the boat up to speed with that length of lake. I know there was a new PS with the 5.7 that couldn't get up to speed by the time it hit the 55's. I've skied at higher elevations and the 200 is a dog so more HP is better the higher you go.
  12. skinut

    SN 200 5.7/ 6L

    I have a 6.0 with the 422 prop. I can't tell a difference in wake with a 5.7.
  13. Does anyone buy a boat as a financial investment? I don't think so. We buy them for a personal experience, whether that is to spend time with family and friends or be able to continue to improve our skiing. None of those can be monetized. How do you put a price on building relationships with family and friends or the enjoyment we get from skiing. In my mind you buy a boat because you want to use it to bring happiness into your life. So get what you want and can afford. It is always nice to know that you won't take a bath when you sell the boat. When you look at the big picture, if you buy a boat worrying about resale maybe this isn't the sport to be in. It's hard to make this sport work when you have tight financial constraints.
  14. Our lake is 180 feet wide. We can spin, you'd be amazed at how tight you can turn a boat. Even when the water drops and we are skiing at 160 feet we don't have a problem with skiing the course. It is a little nerve racking to think about lean lock and shooting past the buoy but I have never seen it happen.
  15. @Colebrah-I assume that is 15 min of actual skiing which would be the equivalent of 53 pass in the slalom course. 900 sec(15Min X 60 Sec)/16.95 sec=53 passes. Um, pretty sure I don't make that many passes in a week.
  16. I have a business trip in Miami the first part of May. Any suggestions on where to get some coaching in the area? I looked at Chet's but he's already full.
  17. Looking at the TXI I noticed that their markup from invoice to msrp is about 35% with base price around $42,000. MC markup is around 20% with a base price of $57,000. I would think that that invoice cost of the two boats would be much closer. There certainly isn't $25,000 of increased value in the MC vs the Boo. I wonder why seedealcost doesn't have CC listed. I'd guess their markup from invoice is around 35%-40%.
  18. I just looked at the option costs for the MC. In order to use the boat at my elevation I'd have to add the 6.2. That's a 12,000 up grade. That just kicked the MC MSRP over 100k. Um thanks but no thanks, I'll keep my SN 200 6.0 that cost me about half of that.
  19. Pylon cup holders look like they'd be a good way to break a toe.
  20. This looks like it could be directly applied to water skiing. It would be great to know where our balance was on the ski at all times and compare that to other skiers. http://www.macrumors.com/2015/01/05/ces-cerevo-snowboard-bindings/
  21. Oh, so that's how wallys have been destroying my portable course. And I thought it was the tubers.
  22. @Horton please delete this post since it's already been covered recently.
  23. This is kind of a cool product. @Horton‌ how about an unboxing video of one of these. You might have to get creative mounting it in a boat but with this group I have no doubt someone could figure it out.
  24. I get almost as excited for winter as I do summer. Snow ski and/or ride snowmobiles. Spend time at the gym. Get all the honey-do's finished that I neglected to do in the summer. @GOODESkier‌ -Where do you ride sleds?
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