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Everything posted by rodltg2

  1. 1993 California Skier , bought March 2011 for $5500 or so. Added stargazer and its skis and drives great. It has a hell of a power plant. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/IMG_0361.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/IMG_0528.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/IMAG0535.jpg
  2. There alot of thumbtacks missing in California. And I only checked around Sac area.
  3. spend a bit more and get this. Ive skied this boat and it butter. http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?topic=Search&category=Comp_Boat&postid=20445
  4. Here is another one, but somebody went and ruined it! http://yubasutter.craigslist.org/boa/3062385389.html
  5. Here you go. Comes with a course too! http://sacramento.craigslist.org/boa/3187401542.html
  6. I find it interesting that a company is making aftermarket accesories for PP. It may help for those who ski on a river?
  7. Anyone seen this ? http://www.nauticlaugic.com/nl4-pp.html
  8. Yes u are mistaken. It's a lx hull.
  9. I dont know, I think it's only avail down under right now. I beleive its the LX hull with a full walk thru vs. the step over.
  10. Pretty cool, Here is a smaller boat for ya! http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/1600DSC01904.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/1610DSC01908.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/1605DSC01896.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/post-12034-0-34649400-1344445265_thumb.jpg
  11. I highly recommend against the infinity. I dont know much about the open bow but I doubt it could have performed better than the closed bow version . I had the Svfara (same hull as infinity but upgraded fit and finish) and it sucked in more ways than one. Wake was hard as a rock 15-28. The 22 wake could kill a man. If your lake has right hand turn islands which I believe most do, the boat would lean so bad that water would spray all over the windshield and the rub rail would constantly fall off. Also, the boat had a vdrive configuration which put the prop way under the boat. This posed a few problems. One, the boat tracked kind of funny, it almost felt like it would pivot around . Second, if you wanted to change the prop (which you will have to trying to find one to soften the wake!) you had to crawl way under to reach it. It hurt laying across the prop guard rails ! And third, the prop was so close to those rails that if you were not carefull while loading, the prop would actually hit. I munched two props and I'm very experienced at loading. The boat also had these weird wings that came off the side. Supposedly added on later versions to reduce side spray. These stupid things would always get caught up the wheel wells. I think this boat is better suited to barefooting open water use. I ended up taking bath on it. Bought it new in 08 factory direct for about 42K. Sold it with under 100 hours in 2010 for 16K. Good ridence!
  12. Thanks for the great advice. I had a great time and I guess is did ok. My normal sets ( at least this year) have been 15,22 and scrap up a couple at 28@34mph. At the tournament I decided to slow the boat down to guarentee my opener. My best round I ended up skiing 3.25 @ 22 /34mph. So about a full pass less than practice. I got the bug now and will probably start skiing more tournys in the future. I was hoping to have a beer wiht Horton after the event , but he left before I could catch up with him and introduce myself. So I just had a few by myself anyway!
  13. Kevin I can only comment on Acapulco, but it is top notch. Everything from the accomdations, food and skiing. The only real draw back is the villa is not walking distance to much. However the drivers will gladly take you to other attractions like the beach. I had a blast and can't wait to go back someday . I don't think you could go wrong with either one.
  14. Don't remember how it skied but I had a ski brendella walk thru open bow . Very roomy and I'm sure can be had on the cheap. It is wood floors, seat bases and stringers so must be checked as with most 80's boats. Mine was a 1990.
  15. Make sure to put your ski length on there as well. You don't want to forget that!
  16. anyone have any pics of the back seat(s) on the carbon pro. I know most of you pull it out, but I need it for the kids on occasion.
  17. Got a chance to ski one this weekend and my slow long line skill level , I loved it. As soon as my money tree grows back , I will be definitely considering one.
  18. I think saw a post about this before but I could not find it so I apologize. So I am entering my first tournament this Saturday . I have had no practice time lately due to death in family so this ought to be great. Anyway I dont understand how tournaments really work as far as scoring and such. Looking at the running list, I am for sure going to be dead last in my division if line lenght is how its scored. Dirt is on the list for gods sake! So is it basically by age group only? No handicap or ball count type of thing? Sorry but I am clueless!
  19. I think it be cool with a waterski or trick ski but use a rope and handle . The falls would probably wreck you pretty bad though!
  20. So I decided to give this thing a try today. Recently heard about a place near by that has one. Boy was I surprised! I thought with my waterskiing, wakeboarding and snowboarding experience I would get it pretty fast. Not the Case! My fifth fall pretty much ended the day for me. Neck and hip are killing me now. Maybe Im too old for it. Im giving another go though someday soon . Maybe a few beers first to ease the pain! If you dont know what one is here are a few vids. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQ4SPt-G3dw
  21. Here is another, I would jump on this one myself if I could! But I accidenlty forgot to water my money tree last week and it died! http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sby/boa/3155511249.html
  22. I'm in no way affiliated with the seller , but I saw this one posted. Might be of interest to someone looking for a good slalom tug especailly if you can knock of some $ from the asking. http://sacramento.craigslist.org/boa/3162057118.html
  23. I used spray foam insulation , mini course bouy and foam noodles.
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