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Everything posted by rodltg2

  1. I'm bummed too. I think I may have to use a wetsuit after this weekend .: (
  2. @colo _skier. I can't speak for the Infinity as I had the Svfara. I assume they were the exact same hull just different interior. The wake on it was the least if the problems. I will say it was a solid boat and would make a great recreational boat. But on a ski lake and a course left much to be desired.
  3. I'm telling you, take a set on the Sv One or Infinity at 15 and 22/34mph and you will never again think the MC 197 wake is bad. I skied it for 2 seasons , I tried everything to soften the wake. Weight in front, weight in back , weight on my back,3 different props , little gas, lots of gas, seats in, seats out, heavy driver, skinny driver , even no driver . Nothing helped. The only thing that helped was selling it!
  4. Last tournament I skied was two round slalom . One behind cc and one behind the mc. Skied the exact same both rounds finishing with 2@28. Both wakes felt pretty much the same other than 32mph where I started and the MC was a tad harder. Other than that love them both. And I spend alot of time between 15-28 unfortunately.
  5. Looks like there is a place that rents them here in Sacramento. Gonna have to give this thing a try before the weather turns. Mateo come on up try it with me!
  6. @estrom. I've beento black butte in Orland a few times camping. Really windy lake. My buddy owns a ski Lake not to far away ! Luckily our season in Nor Cal has at least month to go before wetsuit are needed!
  7. I'm kind of confused on not being to progress on a deep lake, but here is a place for you to buy! http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?topic=Search&category=Real_Estate&postid=20572
  8. Anyone planning on going to this event. I'm thinking about going and skiing both the grass roots and class c. Where do people stay down there. Camp, Arvin, Bako?
  9. Man, I'm glad I dont have to wipe this boat down everytime I went skiing. I think I would go through two bottles of Quick clean and I dont think I could even reach the top! BTW that trailer looks like its hurtin.. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/G23209-5-1220003.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/IMG_0624.jpg
  10. On another board someone posted a question about lakes near Santa Cruz. Someone posted there was a private lake in Watsonville. I google earthed it and found what looks like a few lakes in the area that would work for ski lakes. Out of curiosity, anyone ski on those?There is Kelly Lake, Lake Tynan , Drew lake and a few others.
  11. That's what a non refundable deposit is for.
  12. @toddF stargazer has been in since i started skiing the boat.
  13. I have been on the fence about purchasing a new boat for next season and which one ( as you may know from previous threads) . I have two reasons for wanting one, added room and comfort for family days on public lakes and a ZO boat . However the boat I currently own is in great shape for its age, skiis relatively great for my use and most importantly , paid for! But its to small for the family , low freeboard for kid safety and the pull is Im sure different from what to expect at a tournament. So my question is, does a newer style boat really help for training purposes? I just skied my first two tourneys at my home lake this year and I'm really liking it. In fact I may ski two more . I would have to sell my boat and take out a loan for the balance to purchase a newer one. I have always had a boat loan since 2000 so I am used to it but it sure feels nice not to have one now! Would a new boat help my bouy count at all? My kids are to young to really now the difference and my wife could really care less one way or the other, so thats not a factor. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/IMG_0944.jpg
  14. That last listing is the one I saw at the auto fair.
  15. I just saw an 04 at our local auto fair for 18500. Sacramento area CA
  16. rodltg2

    Malibu Txi

    Ski behind an infinity/svfara for season and all other wakes will feel like butter !
  17. You will want to start at the right trailing edge . A little can go a long ways so start small. You cant go back! I did this on my MB and it helped.
  18. I dont have any advice as I can only scrap up 4 or 5 at 28 myself. But I did notice those turn bouys look huge and high. Maybe its just the video.
  19. Yes you are correct about Mike Brendel. I had a 2000 mb and it's was rock solid. Dont know if the 1996 had wood in it or not. I know it's been rumored that Mike splashed the 85MC fir the first ski brendella. That 96 looks alot like a 93 mc. Seems like a good price .
  20. Well I'm a bigger newbie ! Don't even know what those abbreviations mean !
  21. Sorry to thread jack , but I'm a beginner tricker and on and older , probably early 90's vintage Connelly. Black with neon squiggles. My trick run is basic at best. Would I benifit spending the dough on a new one ? I plan on improving and skiing some tournaments. Got one undery belt and had a blast.
  22. Finally got a chance to snap a pic of the wake. It was close to 34 or so, i was hand drving. Not the best shot , not easy to drive and snap a pic with iphone. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/IMG_0935.jpg
  23. or this one? 38°53'18.05"N,121°25'17.72"W
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