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Everything posted by rodltg2

  1. @murrski yes it's camp far west. The water was definately moving , don't know if in the summer it slows down .
  2. Yesterday we took the kids for a nice drive in the country just outside of the city we live in. We ended up near a lake that I used to frequent before I joined a ski lake, and I still go there few times a year.Its a fairly small lake open to the public with alot of camp sites. Anyway on the the other side of the dam the water feeds into a small lake. I have heard there was a ski club that used it. So on the way out we followed the overflow and checked out the site. Looked pretty cool , but then I noticed that near the end of the course , the water just dropped off over a spillway. I could not tell how strong the current was, but it seems scary like you could potenially just go over! I did not see any type off barrier. Anyone ski here?I bet the water is frigid coming from the bottom of the other lake! Here is a google shot. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/campfarwest_zps126145e9.jpg
  3. @rico, great concept but can you imgine the amount of spray that would come off the pole! My idea would be two sets of tracks. One on each side of the lake . Then a beam going across the lake connecting them. In the center a set of bleacher type seating so lots of people could watch the action!
  4. Not overrated for me, its not just a slalom tug . I also enjoy taking my family out on open water. My kids like tubing and riding in the boat. And the wifes like to enjoy an adult cocktail , catch some rays and swim.
  5. I haven't found a replacement yet. Hopefully soon
  6. Thanks for the offers, but im probably leaning towards a boat I can buy cash. A nice 1997-2000 Nautique for example.
  7. Slalom, jump, wake boarding, barefoot event. That would be an exciting venue.
  8. For the first time ever I will be boatLess! My parents have always had a boat and since I bought my first boat myself in 2000, I have always had one. I always buy the replacement before selling my old one. Hopefully save up enough soon to get my next tug.
  9. rodltg2


    Wow. That's a big claim !
  10. rodltg2


    I noticed in the Rossi thread that he was what looked like behind a Tige. I checked out the Tige web page and they indeed still build a ski boat. I'm curious as to why they would build a ski boat, sponsor slalom pros , but not do much else to promote the boat or 3 event. I know it cost tons of money to get aswa approved and the whole bit , so maybe the juice just isn't worth the squeeze.
  11. Skied my first tournaments this year. At one event I even entered tricks even though I have only tried it a handful of times many years ago. I had a blast and learned that doing the same tricks back down does not you more points . LOL. Anyhow, I would love to try jump, although at 40 it may not be the best idea !
  12. How s the weather there in February ? I remember having a blast in college when we towed my ski brendella down there and spent a week cruising around mission bay. We could only afford one night at The Bahia hotel . Slept in the boat the rest of the time ! Thinking it may be a fun trip to take the family on if it's somewhat warm. And if I can catch a set it would be a bonus. Think we will stay in a hotel the entire time this time around
  13. Just asked my wife that awesome black -200 for Xmas. Will not likely be under the tree. : (
  14. All very re assuring. Definitely worth a look then. Just need to sell my boat now.
  15. Yes, yes it is! I'm hoping for ZO boat , but I would need to finance it. So paying cash for a nice nautique is an attractive option.
  16. The boat I wanted sold. My buddy was considering this boat but passed on the high hours. Now I'm considering it.
  17. Oops forgot the link ! http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?topic=Search&category=Comp_Boat&postid=21186
  18. I am pretty sure you know this boat. What can you tell me about it? Should I be worried about 1500 hours? For you mechanic guys out there, how long could one expect this engine to last. I have read approx 2000 hours. When it it hits TBO, what could one expect to spend on the overhual?
  19. All great advice . I'll probably wait to sell in spring. @6balls, I'm hoping to get a ZO boat. But we'll see! @murrski, Thanks!
  20. 1993 California Skier with Stargazer and beefy engine. For sale BTW! $7500.00 650 hours http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/IMG_0944-1_zps0280e181.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/dockposmall_zpsac7c75b7.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/IMAG0535.jpg
  21. All great advice . I'll probably wait till sell in spring. @6balls, I'm hoping to get a ZO boat. But we'll see!
  22. I think he prefees the 1998 hull, but will let him know. is it listed somewhere with pics?
  23. Scammers are texting now? Someone just texted me and asked for my paypal account to transfer funds . I confused him when I asked if he was going to want the boat with or without perfect pass. LOL!
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