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Everything posted by rodltg2

  1. Even if you could afford it , how could one justify spending this kind of cheddar on a wakeboard boat? Just crazy. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/F4FBF0E8-F5A5-47EC-A36F-ED8104D065C0-1694-0000013B2066288C_zps779bd798.jpg
  2. will only tube : ( , upside is they are still young 4 & 2
  3. Wow is right. I sold my 08 in 2010 for 29500
  4. It's sad we live in a day where we can't just serve some wine at home without getting the lawyers and insurance companies involved. Can't believe skiing is still legal !
  5. Thats what I meant , red solo cups. I always hated the smart arses who would come with their big gulp cups. They thought they were so clever, but while my turn at tap master, I would make those dudes wait till last.
  6. Thats what we did in college. We sold the red dixie cups at the door for $3.00. Beer was free.
  7. A few folks have installed it on wakeboard boats. It's not ideal for slalom as it is paddle wheel only. No Rpm mode
  8. I really wish I could find a snob.
  9. Perfect Pass products or if you want a speed based paddle wheel system good for recreational skiing or wakeboarding you have Hydrophase.
  10. Would an alum hull produce a harder wake ? Weight keeps a boat on track. So if it was too light would it wander ?
  11. There has been a lot of chatter on this boat on the wake board forums. Obviously they want weight, and the alum boat is lighter. So lots of skeptics. Interesting to see if it works. It's on the expensive side. So cost cannot be an issue for the consumer. I don't know much about boat building or really about anything in fact , but hull consistency could be an issue?
  12. Otherwise let's send it to NZ so doonez doesn't have to buy a 20 year old boat for 20k !
  13. Really! Should sell no problem. I guess I need to water my money tree. Maybe it will flower early this year !
  14. I think that it's cool that our sport requires the motorized element . There is nothing else like it. Sure the Olympics won't accept it. Too me having a boat provides family fun , and exploring , houseboat trips and course skiing, I couldn't ask for a better time. I say let us have our ski tugs and hope they sell enough wake makers to so they keep making them.
  15. If its the same one on SIA. I would totally go for it but my budget is 12-14k
  16. I know some guys do this Australia for a profit. Not sure if import tax and shipping makes it unprofitable in NZ. The key is to have a trust worthy buyer in the states. Two of my boats went to Australia for resale. There is a shipper based in Compton , Ca who specializes in shipping " toys" to Australia.
  17. How about shove two in container and sell one .
  18. Not worried about installing PP. I'm worried about paying for it ! Guess I will wait and hope one pops up. Was gonna buy the one in Bakersfield but owner changed his mind and decided to hold out .
  19. I did find one 1998 but it has a big ugly tower and no PP. Considering still! Are the holes expensive to fill. Don't want an ugly patch job.
  20. I'm starting to get ancy. It's not looking good for a new boat, so I've been looking for 1998 nautique. I cannot find one locally . I've sold my boat and I feel like if I don't get something soon the cash will slowly vanish! Anyway there are a lot of 1995 nautiques for sale. How much better is the 1998. Should I hold out or could shouldI pick up a really nice 1995? Also considering a 1994 prostar.
  21. . No way I would use the cupholder. I hate holding my beer between legs. Had to that on my brendella.
  22. Is my math correct, $20750 US for it? Ouch , your not kidding. I'm assuming you dont want to wait and probably a hassle, but wouldn't it be cheaper to import one?
  23. I'm pretty sure it still is a club. There is another video from 2012 . Looks like they like to party! Maybe thats how they dont worry about the spillway!
  24. I found this youtube clip and its doesnt seem sketchy or that anyone is really worried about it. It never shows the west end though. Looks like a fun club!
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