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Everything posted by rodltg2

  1. Looks like I will finally be picking up a boat. I believe it's in your stomping grounds. If your around Saturday , afternoon or night , wouldn't mind meeting the leader of this madness and buying you a beer.
  2. You should have just sold your boat to me @rico ! And bought a ZO boat.
  3. I think some transom speakers would be cool so you can swerve to some tunes without needing the tower. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/dscn4442_zpsf88a2aae.jpg
  4. unless you can do it over the phone or mail, not gonna happen . not driving to AZ!
  5. It's not worth the hassle to register in another state. If the fees are too high, I will just pass or negotiate the price. I am hoping I can find out what they will be before the purchase.
  6. The owner is not sure if he filed a non op . I' m going to try and check with the DMV but I don't know if they will give me any info since it's not my boat. I have a system when I go to the DMV now. They now hand out tickets and you wait your turn. I check the monitor to see how many people are ahead if me. I allow at about 5 minutes per person. Usually around an hour or so on most days. I then take off , run a few errands then come back. I haven't missed my number yet. Unfortunatley I have had to go to the DMV alot over the last few years , bought and sold too many boat and cars. I have yet to buy a non current registered boat though. Especially one that is. 5 years out. I'm afraid of getting a $1000 plus registration fee. I have a friend who bought a really cheap catamaran that hadnt been registered in for a few years. It was gonna cost him $1200 to bring it current. It was more than he paid for it.
  7. In CA they charge the new owner for it.
  8. I'm looking at buying a 1999 nautique. Owner has not registered boat or trailer in 5 years. Anyone know what kind of penalties I would be facing? Worried ill get a big surprise when I go to transfer.
  9. Here it is all cabled up. http://wakeislandwatersports.com/
  10. Anyone ever swerve behind one ? We're they pretty bad ?
  11. If you want an MC I would try try the 209. Very roomy , ski wakes a bit harsh but doable.
  12. I noticed a huge difference at 15 and 22 when I removed tower and wedge from my 05. Combined it probably makes a bigger difference than wedge alone.
  13. Too Funny!!! http://sacramento.craigslist.org/boa/3621764990.html
  14. Kegs don't work we'll on a ski boat. They get very shakin up and foam alot.
  15. I'm no help , I read the title wrong. I thought it was " weed and speed control ". I though you had problems operating perfect pass while DUI. Lol !
  16. @mateo vargas, to put it kindly, that boat is not easy on the eyes. I'm sticking to the tried and true 1999 Nautique.
  17. Dont know about the flattest, but I do know the hardest, nastiest wake and biggest bump at 22. That goes to the Svfara SVone/ Infinity!
  18. Is it that bad ? Only $10K? http://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?topic=Search&category=Comp_Boat&postid=22349
  19. There is also another element to consider @ toddL. The non tournament ,public lake skiers. Doubt too many jumpers or trickers there.
  20. I won't be able to afford it but , but looking forward to it !
  21. Is ballast or trim tabs not allowed ? Why couldn't they build a great slalom boat and add those things to improve trick and jump performance. Nautique obviously has a patent on the hydro gate , but I'm sure there is another effective way to please all. I'm one if those guys who will ski behind anything , at least anything other than a Svfara Sv one ! That wake is nasty !
  22. Isn't there like a $8-10k difference , seems significant to me.
  23. I think I read on here before that this is a great slalom boat . Anyway, I have no relation to it, but thought I would pass it along if someone was looking for a cheap tug. http://sacramento.craigslist.org/boa/3615118928.html
  24. @joeprunc you should ski at our ski league this summer.
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