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Everything posted by rodltg2

  1. Let Joe Public ride in the boat. How cool would that be ! A raffle or something of that nature. Couple winners ride. Hopefully the winner is not Chubby!
  2. FYI. Had no choice but to try the fake a lake again. Got my new relays in and wanted to run the boat before heading out to the lake. This time I got it as sealed as possible, then I used some insulation tape to seal up any gaps. Worked like a champ. No leaks and ran great.
  3. No relation to this seller, but looks like a great deal for somene. http://sacramento.craigslist.org/boa/3812098111.html
  4. Does Dr. M have a patent on his adjustable bouy course?
  5. Also Babes Spot Solver. Need to. Spray on and wipe with wet towel. Then dry off with a clean towel. Then use Babes Boat Bright right after.
  6. You really would only need the shoulders to be bright. Unless your treading water like a water polo player , you wouldn't see much of the vest anyway. On another note, I don't think I would want to ski in the same waterway that's frequented by 30' Sea Rays.
  7. rodltg2


    Switched the relay switches and boat fired up. Hopefully that's the end of that ! Now I need to find one to replace the bad one. Where do I get the relay.
  8. I'm on the old style d3. It's only my rear foot that cramps up , my front foot is ok.
  9. The only thing I haven't tried is a RTP.
  10. rodltg2


    Here is my view as I rowed my boat to the other end to the ramp. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/image_zps83910c53.jpg
  11. Unfortunatley I usually cannot go more than 4 passes due to foot cramping. I've tried hard shells , hybrids , rubber. Nothing helps. Only way I can make it to 6 is by pulling the binding off for a minute or so between passes. Don't like to that as it is a PIA . Anyhow my usual routine was : 15/34 15/34 22/34 28/34 Last year skied my first tournaments and I slowed the boat to secure running first pass. So lately I've been running the first pass at 32mph. Should I continue this routine or always practice at 34. I usually get about half way thru 28 and occasionally run it. Only ran it once this year.
  12. rodltg2


    Okay so now I can begin to diagnose I guess. I'm out at the lake and now the boat won't start. Sucks because its dead calm and 90 degrees. It started doing it yesterday but It would eventually start. Now nothing. I can hear fuel pump priming and I have jumped the lanyard. So I guess those two items are not the problem.
  13. Anyone modify or make an attachment for an iPhone to work with an old trakker. Mine is the one with the cool springs .
  14. I tried to hook up my fake a lake to my 99 cc and I could not get it to seal right. The intake is recessed into a pocket type of deal in the hull. I haven't seen this before on any other boat I have owned. I ran it anyway, while water poured out over the suction cup. Water didn't not come out of the exhuast for longer than I was comfortable in waiting.So I shut her off. Is there anyway to make a fake- a- lake work with this boat, or do I would I need to install a flush kit ( dont want to do that!).
  15. Ms gets a gold star !
  16. Unfortunately I think my daughter inherited Mom's fear of water and waterskiing. Until yesterday I was only able to get her to tube. She finally broke out if her shell yesterday and went for it in the EZ ski. She loves it now ! http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/image_zps87804762.jpg
  17. But will the average Joe be able to afford it. ?
  18. Granite countrrtops , but hoping to make a career change soon. Whatever it is I need to make tons if cheddar so I can buy a home on a lake !
  19. When I first started skiing the course I had ski buddies that liked to get out early , sometimes weekdays , sometimes on Saturdays. Those ski buddies no longer ski. I would like to find some skier(s) in my area that would like to get in some am sets. I'm game for weekday and weekends. If anyone is interested let me know! My site, your site, my boat or your boat, whatever is good. Nothing better than starting your day with some skiing! I'm in Sac, CA .
  20. @murrski, dont be telling people about that one. I am saving my pennies for it! LOL
  21. I did not know the hydro gate was an option. Thought it was standard. What's there in its place ? Is it glassed over or is there a fixed plate so you can add one later ?
  22. Ski pretty much year round in Nor Cal !
  23. Here is the other one. http://www.jandetrick.com/Search/PropDetail.aspx?ID=10600&listingID=81-7-12055795&id=10600&officeID=11&pso=ListPriceDescending&referrer=%2fListings.aspx%3f%26ID%3d10600&noSearchReturn=1
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