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Everything posted by rodltg2

  1. This is similar to my routine, anyone else?
  2. Who ever buys this, will get an added bonus. Me as their new best friend! http://tours.topnotch360.net/76310. Seriously place looks awesome. I'm a few million short, otherwise I'd jump on it!! LOL
  3. oops, lost the thread! I'm thinking $35 plus shipping
  4. I would suggest purchasing a different boat if your going to go through the effort of a re power. that is unless its a smoking deal too good to pass up.
  5. or just go to NE Ingle rd
  6. 45 38 38 30 , 122 27 59 42
  7. www.mustang-wanted.com I will say that I will not be using this training technique!
  8. looks like.... http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/trtakker_zps07abdcd8.jpg
  9. Just moved and found my old school trakker camera mount. You know the one with the coil springs on each end. Anyone interested , I never use it.
  10. Looks great on the water, will see you soon out there I'm sure. I had to please the wife this last weekend so we settled on public lake instead
  11. Go to Sunset Ranch. Located south of Sacramento. I'm sure Robby will be along shortly to give you more info.
  12. That's a good deal! Never seen one of these bad boys before, kind of Malibu Skier lookin http://sacramento.craigslist.org/boa/4347275346.html
  13. That looks great Brian, only two more days till lake opens!
  14. Zero Off has been harrassing me for years now. Finally I can do something about it! sorry couldnt help it. good rule
  15. Its NXT, other than that I know nothing about it yet. There is a pic floating around from a boat show, but hard to tell what it is, although obviously not a ski boat. Pretty sad 50K is budget now days.
  16. i saw one at the boat show in SF. Boat show special was $78K!. cool boat, but not 78k cool
  17. We have had abnormally warm weather for the last few weeks , but can't ski ! Our ski lake is closed till March and the public lakes are dry. 70 degrees all weekend. Bummer !
  18. Skiing at a private site is BORING for the most part. Tournaments are a snooze ! And I love slalom skiing. My wife would rather watch paint dry than spend a day out at the site. Can't really blame her. Too bad public sites are far and few. Would be a a great compromise. Get my swerve on then spend the day cruising , exploring whatever. I get it for those of you that don't care if the sport grows. You get more water time while the others that join the lake and rarely go , float the bill. I'm kind if in that boat. Most of you lake homeowners will be getting too old to ski , not many people biting at the chance to buy a ski lake home. , and I swoop in for a deal !
  19. @oldjeep I'm in Northern Ca. Could ski year round but our lake closes Nov-1st and Opens March 1st. Not a fan of cold water and dry suits anyway. 4 months off is not bad. @mwg I am going to take the class. Planning after the holiday. I'm trying to ride a bit everyday. I feel fairly comfortable for lo
  20. On a whim I decided to buy this 2014 HD Iron 833. It's been great at helping me forget about skiing during the off season. I only have about 250 miles experience on it so far, but really enjoying it. Have very little to no experience riding a bike prior to this purchase. My Nautique now has a roommate! http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/u6y6uqe6_zps742124ff.jpg
  21. A sales call took me through SF to Pacifica this Saturday. Never driven this road before and noticed a lake there that would make an awesome ski site. Looked dead calm and protected by golf courses. Great location for a big pro tournament as well. No way that SF would ever allow it I am sure. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/LakeMerced_zps537253ec.jpg
  22. Find me a job selling granite countertops and I'll be on the next flight out!
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