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Everything posted by rodltg2

  1. How about a relay. Ski one pass, get back in the boat switch with the driver and he skis one pass. Do this for six passes each. Winner is team with best total time for running 12 passes and most bouys
  2. Just got back information from the county. They said no problem digging a "pond" no permit needed. But they did have records that the drainage is considered a legal stream. So as long as I do not dam or alter its course , the pond is okay. Well, the stream goes pretty much down the middle, so I am out of luck on this one. Gonna pass on this as I don't know what I would do with 10 acres of nothing.
  3. Our local lake goes to 5mph when the water level reaches 400ft. I don't go there much but from what I've heard it's not patrolled often. I think it's because too many wally's hit submerged hazards that are unmarked and complained to the authorities. So instead of marking them ( which would be impossible to do all ) I think they figure less liability to drop the speed limit. This lake is known for idiots though.
  4. @richarddoane‌ I think your right ! Can't really beat the club situation I have now. I still like the property though , I may still put an offer on it. Forego the lake idea.
  5. Upon further investigation, I think I have problem or it may be a good thing. If you look at the picture you can see crevices where water drains thru the property from neighboring properties. Can I pipe the streams into the pond and at the south end put in a pipe with a valve to release water ? My concerns as I assume this is all run off from farms and ranches, that the water is not clean. The current owner an neighbor told my that in the wet months , water is draining thru the property constantly. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/ranchhouse_zpsfdcfe50e.jpg
  6. There is a will, hoping to find a way. I have no problem with the 4 buoy , I like the idea. Here is a lake that I have no idea what it is used for. Its about what I am thinking I could do, but a bit wider. 38°53'16.93" N 121°25'16.64" W
  7. Would not do the permit thing
  8. I am more than likely to put an offer on this property soon as the lease on our house is up soon and I already sold my other two homes. I like the property as it is , Nice house plenty of room and a good location. But a ski lake option would be a bonus. I walked the property yesterday , along with some Google earth measuring and it looks like I could fit a lake similar to quickset Canton Mississippi. I could fit a 1250 foot length by 180 feet wide. At the ends there's enough room for two doglegs up to 280 feet wide. However both doglegs would be going in the same direction vs opposite which would be ideal. I actually like the idea of having a smaller lake so it would reduce costs and maintenance and less likely to be detected on the radar. I'm not a hard-core Skier or competitive and I would like to use the lake recreationally outside of just slalom alone. So my questions are: Well Capacity : propert has two wells one for the house and one for irrigation I have not found out the output on them yet waiting to get that information back. What would be the minimum needed to fill this size of the lake and keep it at a good levels during the summer months? Course : i'm thinking 4 buoy . With the dog leg on one end putting the skier out to the right side I think it would be impossible to get lined up properly in time before the course like they do a quick set. Any other thoughts / advice. I know it's a crazy undertaking and it's gonna cost a lot more than I think. I'm hoping to get a buddy of mine is been involved in three lake projects to come out and walk the property with me as well to make sure this is all suitable Even if I don't end up putting a lake on the property I think I still really would like it so it's not a deal breaker.
  9. This boat is pretty much ready to go. Still on the fence on the DD model on which way to go, Will keep Ballers posted as things progress.
  10. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/photo_2_zpsb68808ee.jpg
  11. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b265/rodltg2/photo_1_zps80911af4.jpg
  12. Easier said than done for me. Clueless , fear is making it worse !
  13. Normally my sucky performance is mid 28 with the occlusion-all run it. Last tourney I ran mid 28 and instead of skiing back I opted to ski to shore and walk back. I skied to shore and definately skied into dirt. Ever since can't run a simple 15 easily much less 22 .either started sucking worse or maybe tweaked fin/ ski or combination of all. I bought the ski used (d3 x7 ) and have never checked or changed any settings. 3 years ago
  14. From what I was told by the west coast rep was that they see cable parks as a stepping stone to buy a boat.
  15. Nautique does not see cable parks as a threat from what I've heard .
  16. Stereo makes these , not slalom but kinda what your talking about. Would love to try them. http://www.stereoskis.com/wakeskis
  17. How many knots would be too many to affect length ? I have about 5 through out the entire rope. Can't imagine it s more than a few inches short.
  18. If you come up tomorrow , I will be at Pleasant Oak most the day into evening.
  19. Brazil is not cheap so I'm assuming it only makes sense to buy the boat if you live there as it would be cheaper than importing. It deafly wouldn't make any sense to do it the other way around it importing a master boat to the US
  20. I would need to check with the owner if I can use his lake , I'm thinking it should be fine. It's located in town off 5th street.
  21. I travel there frequently and could use a ski partner when in town. Have possible lake to use as well.Would go more often if I had someone to ski with.
  22. How about a PVC structure that keeps the bouys in place. You simply drop an anchor and idle the boat while dropping PVC arms with bouys attached by bungee. Once course is layed out , drop another anchor to hold straight. Probably lay it out in about 20 minutes. No gps , drones or batteries needed.
  23. I was excited to use it and the only mounting option was the ski. I've seen videos of others doing it , so I thought I was good to go. Mine fell off somewhere between my deep water start and 4 ball. So an approximate 1000' x 100' area. Our lake is clear of weeds and only 4' deep or so. But muddy bottom. It's possible to find it , I would have tried yesterday but we had a full dock.
  24. I wish I hade read about them falling off BEFORE I decided to try it out on the ski. Lessoned learned. My wife is really sad about it. She really put a lot of thought as well as $ into to a gift. I go and Bozo it up and lose it first day out with it. She was there and witnessed it. I don't know if she will believe it , but I probably will tell her I went out to the lake and looked all over and found it. Instead, I'll go to the store, buy a new one , cover it in mud and tell her I found it!
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