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Don't forget to tune into Swiss Pro Tricks this Sunday


Horton Horton


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Everything posted by creakyrowboat

  1. 1982 mastercraft stars and stripes. loud. sat low in the water. looked bad ass. and barely ever ran more then 10 hours without something breaking. or so i have heard
  2. Please explain how being part of the olympic commitee helps our sport?  what are you doing to help our sport grow from an overall organizational level, i.e, beyond the bounds of usa waterski, promoting the people, the tournaments, webcasting, television, etc? on what level does it serve to be a member of usa waterski, other then a tournament related level? Where do you see this sport progressing to (take off of scarletarrows question) but, honestly, where is it going?  How do you combat the skyrocketing price of boats, equipment? How does usa waterski and in a sense your position, how do you view that as a benifit to our sport? if you had a magic wand, wave it and make one aspect of the barrier to entry to our sport go away, what is it? what does our sport need to move up a level into at least a niche sport on the national concience? governmental wise, explain what you are doing to help out local waterski orgs, people, to get on the water and explain that we aren't bad people. what came of your post about the surf expo, and expanding usa waterski to "really" incorporate wakeboarding into this world break down each indivudual discipline and explain what you are doing to make them better, more accesable, popular WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO SHARE A DRINK WITH THE CRB? cross over appeal of various atheletes? What is being done by the organization to get our most recognizable and popular people into the mainstream? :)
  3. We are just riding your coat tails!  ÂÂ
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