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Everything posted by Andre

  1. Wow! Gorgeous boat! Congrats to future owner!
  2. @DefectiveDave Did you also change the timing for when you turn in for the gates ? When do you turn in? Will try to edge out until turn in tomorrow morning and will let you know if it gets better! (Wish i could answer your question but my gate sucks. Mid 35 on a really good day...)
  3. Had to make a new slot to move the second buckle closer to the bottom one.Foot comes out easily. Yes,i'm cheap! Good thing because R style is not for me as i like to take my foot out between passes.
  4. 5$ for an old pair of roller blades. 5$ for rivets at the shoemaker. Et voila! Took about 15 minutes with a Dremel cut off wheel. Work as good or better as the R style i tried before...
  5. Aaron Larkin onside turns are quite spectacular to watch. Always like to watch some old videos of Mike Kjellander because he dunks the handle like i do when in trouble on my offside...
  6. Big congrats!!! Ran my first 32 in 2007. No 35 yet... Blue monster is a different animal! Good luck!
  7. Certainly one of the best waterskiing webcast ever! Didn't missed one second.Great job!
  8. Nate missing his gate (again) at 35 off...??? The guy could stand behind the boat's wake and run 38...WTF!
  9. @UWSkier ...and no need to grind the rudder or for 200lbs in the bow like the Malibu! ;)
  10. OK,not the plate but the 3D printed boot contour... Plastic.
  11. @Horton Stayed @28 off this morning and tried to practice your advices and it worked a couples of times where i felt way better on my offside crossing...and everytime it was because i had a better offside turn before that lean. Was working on staying tall and strong coming in the offside turn... So gotta work on that and it will give me better offside position crossing the wake. Tall and strong...
  12. Could this mode affect release or protection of the Achilles, yes,no same thing ? Snapped mine on a '' late release '' of my black cuff Reflex and don't want it to happen again...
  13. Sadly,a big YES to all Horton... I must admit that i'm not stack 100% coming out of my offside and sitting on the tail a bit. Willing to try some drills if you got some tips to help. I'm just not able to push my hips forward like i can on my onside. Will try for video this week end. That could be ugly...
  14. @skibug Sorry i was editing first post. 34 @ 28-32 off. No video yet this year.
  15. Tons of discussion about offside turns but not much about crossing the wake (1 to 2 for RFF and 2 to 3 for LFF ) after the offside turns. (I'm RFF 34 mph 28-32 off ). Noticed this morning that i'm losing angle when hitting the first wake and make me fast and narrow coming to my onside turn which i have then to rush to compensate. Do all of you guys feel you're coming faster to your onside then your offside turns ? My onside crossing is way better and i'would like to ''feel'' my offside more like my onside. What do you do or think we should concentrate on to improve offside crossing of the wake? What's the most commun mistake peoples do on offside ?
  16. I 'm living it right now. 53 yo. Was running mid 35 off when i tore my Achilles august 3 last season.Miss 5 months of work,did a lot of PT and started homebrewing and put on 20 lbs. Bad weather in early season prevented me from a lot of open water skiing,only 3 sets, so i started in the course thinking i could at least ski deep 32 off. Wrong!!! Having problems running 28 and missed a lot of 22s. Slowed the boat down,moves my boots,twice,nothing help. I have no confidence in my skiing right now. Zero. IMHO that's the biggest problem when you're in you're in a slump. You see the pre gates approaching and you start doubting,thinking '' I used to run that pass easily...'' .Suddenly you start pulling too long,rushing the turn,breaking forward,running late and miss that easy pass. When you have confidence,you're strong and tall on your ski,thinking ''Wow,the boat seems slow today...''. Still a bit of limping when i get up of bed in the morning but can't blame my injury for my bad skiing other then missing half of last season. /// Will pay top dollars for some confidence right now! Edit: I live on a small public lake ,with my course in a real nice cove with no houses so can ski at 6.00 in the morning,and skied 15 sets in the last 10 days,been off work for the last 10 days and next 4.5 weeks too so i ski alot compare to some of you so i can't blame no being able to ski because of x,y,z reasons either.
  17. If it's indeed the fuel pump driver all the fuel pump need is another source of 12 volts to run.There is a way to fix that for someone with a bit of mechanical/electrical knowledge But i would try to get in touch with the guy from the planet nautique thread linked before. That would be my first choice. 1500$ US is a lot of cash for me...
  18. Could watch hours and hours of this kind of video! Great work...again @MarcusBrown
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