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Everything posted by Andre

  1. Major milestone! Big congrats...and don't wipe that smile off your face!
  2. Everybody runs 38 on the internet so everybody are shortline skiers!
  3. If you go through entrance gates @38 off,you have become a shortline skier IMO.
  4. Edit:Just realize the link was to another waterski forum...So i removed it.
  5. Great news!Congrats! No bouys this year would be a wise decision in order to come back full speed next year.Why risking it?
  6. You have to be aware and know how your boat will ''glide'' after putting it in neutral to make the rope tight.You have to practice how much steering you can do when in neutral.My old 94 MC is still responding a bit to steering input while in neutral and gliding.My partner 04 196 is less ... Practice...and a lot of mileage behind the wheel in the course and you'll get it. If idling beside your skier after a pass,when it's time to go be sure that your first bump of throttle is toward the course so you don't start in the wrong direction.After the boat gets going,depending of rope lenght,bring back to neutral with the steering wheel at''0''.Maintain boat direction toward the course and watch the rope get tight.When it"s time to go,engage forward at idle,correct direction if needed and go.If the boat is not lining up properly then i advise my skier(remember,rope is already tight) that i'm gonna bump forward and neutral until i'm satisfied with boat AND steering position... Good luck! Edit:Steering position is important when hitting it.You don' want to have a full steering turn to get back to going straight when getting a skier up...and close to shore.Couples of years a go with a newbie driver that i had to teach,i had a scarry moment seeing my boat heading straight in the woods!
  7. @Bdecker You still put water in turn bouys or just under inflate?
  8. @Killer A fisherman was tied up to a turn bouy last week...last year,someone was tubing the course. Idiots are everywhere!
  9. Thanks Mike for the clear explanations! I do understand that machining your own parts and low volume make for a higher retail price. I too hope to be able to test your system one day and try to convert my ski partners to MOB!
  10. For those using Wally,Do you buy hard ones for boat path https://shop.wallyskier.com/Buoy-Heavy-Duty-Round-Buoy-787-Not-Soft-USA-WSHDround787.htm and the softest ones for turn bouys ? https://shop.wallyskier.com/Buoy-WallySkier-Turn-Buoy-787-Softest-Buoy-USA-WSturnbuoy.htm I'm on a small but public lake and week ends are a bit crazy. At 17.50$ a pop,could be an expensive season to maintain the course...
  11. Had no problems with Polyforms at all. The ones we bought have no brandings.I even replace with a really old one from Overton's that must be 5 years old,still holdong air good.
  12. New set bought in may from MSN but the shipping box had a sticker fron insta slalom. Installed may 20 in north east canada so not really florida sun. The yellows are the worst. Fading to almost white,dry and sticky top half and pinholes soon after. Worst set of bouys ever. Already replaced more then half.Decided to replace with 3 seasons old Polyform to finish the season. Anyone else with this year batch from either MSN or insta slalom having issues ?
  13. @BraceMaker Yep,RTP and front black low cuff Reflex no heel strap ,750 release. Maybe a heel strap could have help...I'll never know.
  14. Funny how the 6 liters use to be the big engine upgrade and is now base engine... Still a great block!
  15. 9970 :left jet engine rebuild. Revolution:right jet engine rebuilt. J\K It's a joke ,lower your guns! ;)
  16. Ok.I'll bite. I was exactly where @Wolfeie is August 3 2016.Will try to explain what happened ,excuse my bad english. Threw the ski around 2 @ 35 off (stupid move,i'm taking all the blame as i was frustrated with my attempt at 35.) As i was totally horizontal and my body was perpendicular to the course for my first bounce off the water my ski caught the water surface and suddenly i was parralel to the course,head first, and then my ski completely caught in the water ,full lenght of the ski acted as a brake and my Achilles took the hit.My Reflex released ...but too late damage was done.Complete rupture. I have looked long and hard at Mike's system but decided to stay on Reflex. Question. Could a MOB system have saved my ski season,surgery,4 months off work,rehab,PT and all the troubles i went through ? Why is there no Pros\Big Dawgs (that i know of) using MOB? I understand the sponsors thing but still,if the system is safer then the rest,why no one that i know using it? 500$ for a single release,no boot, is a bit steep and maybe that's why we don't see more of Mike's system but i would have gladly paid that to save my Achilles! Someone should invent a crash test dummy for testing releases. Maybe @Horton is looking for a job... Edit:How thick is the boot plate? Could be pics but looks to be at least 3\8 ...
  17. So,the answer is no ? Edit:Just back from the website.Seems you can't check the release on the dock.
  18. @mmosley899 Just curious,can owners test release off the water\on the dock?
  19. Wake looks good too and easy to cross. If only someone could build a 20' twin outboard open bow... ;)
  20. Way better then last time i saw a ski video from you! Maybe get use to go a bit wider before turning... Good improvement!
  21. Pass. That's not a scratch,that's almost a break... Not the clearest pix but looks like we can see foam...
  22. For me,i can't imagine any conditions where i would want a heavier ski...
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