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Everything posted by Andre

  1. And if you have a bit more budget,35k OBO 200 on SIA with 708 hrs.Cheapest 200 i've seen that doesn't have 2k hrs on it. https://www.ski-it-again.com/php/skiitagain.php?endless=summer&topic=Search&category=Boat_3Event&postid=56268
  2. Is this a for sale thread? Looks clean! How many hrs and how much you want? :) Also,should we close the ''Looking for'' thread or keep it open? J\K Ron! Skied a same era at LaPoint ski park and the wake was awsome!
  3. Any tournament making money,the entry fees are going to be way up there.With Pros you can get some sponsorship money but with regular folks,forget it. In 93,i went to Hartford for the Budweiser Pro Tour and tickets on sunday's final were like 10$ and there was about 3-4000 peoples there.Maybe then it was possible but just instalation of the set up must have been pretty costly to Budweiser. Add the prize money to the skiers...
  4. Well over 5000 rpms? How much the analog and PP shows at 34 mph? Rule of thumb, a 13x13 prop should spin about 3300-3350 @34 with 2 persons crew and a 180 lbs skier. If you're turning that at 34 and top speed is 36,you're not running 5000 plus rpms for sure. Edit:Rereading myself,with different cupping of the prop,the rpm range could go up a bit more then 3350 i think.Like up to 3450 i guess... Not a prop expert.
  5. There's money to be made with waterskiing??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  6. Very nice lift and dock!! Look at all that grass for the kids to run !
  7. Do you smell fuel? Are the plugs wet ? Rails? Is it a Throttle Body Injection or a Multi Port Injection ?
  8. @skimtb Yes make sense.Almost lost a glove yesterday in a sliding fall. Yes,for 15 off, look to be a good one!
  9. If it run with fuel in the throttle body that mean the ICM is good cause you got spark. What you seems to miss is fuel...
  10. Find it kind of low,both 38 mph and 4 k rpm but never been in a Moomba.Maybe someone with one will chime in. Can you edit title to add ''Moomba''? Recent tune up?
  11. Nice one Bill! Can't blame the conditions! Do you drop at the end sometimes? All those back to back passes with spinning is tiring...at least to me.
  12. How many revs are you turning? I remember Outback having like a base 310hp engine wich should get you way (3-4 mph at least) more speed... Double check what prop you have also.
  13. @skierjp Can you do calf raise as high as the good leg? I know i'm not able to,maybe 80% and the strenght to get there is certainly not the same
  14. Second the Bosu ball.Used it a lot at PT and got one for home too.
  15. I was you 4 years ago. https://www.ballofspray.com/forum#/discussion/16009/3-of-my-favorites-skiers-are-injured Excellent (as always) advices from Luzz.You can see he's been there.Few things i can add... Get a knee scooter instead of crutches. Don't try to walk on it before ok from Dr even if you don't hurt. Do your PT religiously but don't overdo it either. About 1 month into my PT i still had a lot of swelling.Therapist started doing some sports taping on my foot and swelling was gone in 36 hrs. Since i was already reading anything waterski i decided to start another hobby:craft beers.That's a very dangerous hobby cause next season i was 20lbs overweight for the start of next season.Careful! :) I was name official driver for the rest of the season that year.At least i was with the guys. Took 4 months to go back to work as i have a physical job,couldn't stay in a ladder for long.I was totally pain free about 5 months after surgery.Flex came back 100%,strenght about 80%.Totally normal for a 52 y.o. at the time.Doctors and PT said that being in good shape prior helped get things back to normal faster. Good luck!
  16. @Minelickskier What happened to you is exactly why we either put water in our bouys to lower them or buy expensive Wally collapsable.Sucks big time to miss some skiing!
  17. We have a 4' lenght of pvc pipe with cap at both ends on each arm hold in place with zip ties. Wish we could afford 18$ wally turn bouys but on public lake with a lot of PWC...
  18. We just receive our order from Ed @ EZ slalom.We had them ship directly this time in only 4 days(QC).A bit more but still less costly option...Ed only charge extra from the nearest major city to final destination.Extra duty cost was 23$. I've look into all options...
  19. About 40% fill with water here too.No weights.Water in water weight nothing...
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