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Everything posted by Andre

  1. Bite the bullet and have the Camaro ship from the states. Best top in the business!
  2. Well written Don! Thanks! Welcome to BOS! Stay around,i'm sure they're will be many questions!
  3. https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Water-Ski/News/2021/May/27/Jaquess-Suffers-ACL-Injury?fbclid=IwAR3Qk5lcuhM9IWOoW7Kb96Wn9qG2T0yPnsh2ntOt-rX0713B8_srsGG9Jhc
  4. If 36-35 off the same as 34-38 off,make them ski 36:it's the same thing!!! Not a fan here...
  5. Drive (electronic board) went bad on mine and i replaced myself for 300$ CDN.
  6. Not easy to comment waterskiing for more then 12 hrs straight with 1 bathroom break. I'd give Tony a break. He works real hard to bring us those high quality webcast. As for terms use,here's some definitions!
  7. Completely ruptured my Achilles mid season in 2016. Started making craft beers while my 4 months off work. Came back in 17 , 25 pouds heavier. That was a really bad idea... Light is always better...(except for beers!)
  8. Is there still a 500$ discount on Goode these days?
  9. Very constant from one bouy to another! Good job!
  10. Lake 38,Whitestone,Goode tour sure is visiting some nice places!
  11. Factory is plenty good for my bad stack. Lot of things to improve on my position before messing with settings.
  12. Why the opening in the front? Serve no purpose but to trap a hand or a forearm... I think a full triangle guard is safer then the red handle IMO.
  13. https://www.birdwell.com/products/808-mens-board-shorts-red?variant=47115690636 101$ ???
  14. Very exciting to watch! Great skiing Charlie!
  15. Learn to hold a good strong position and forget which boat is pulling you.
  16. @TEL's idea is the best so far.You have the chance to try almost all of them out! Don't listen to peanut gallery comments and see (ski!) for yourself!!! FWIW,been on 5 different Dennis Kidder skis and ALL of them have been great and VERY user friendly right out of the box Good hunting!
  17. Man, i so wish i was closer... :/ Trying a Goode and skiing the same lake as the pros... B) Always great conditions on the webcast when the pros are there.
  18. Horton's first Carbon Pro?
  19. Gotta agree that the lack of videos of the system in action is...deplorable. Could have been a great selling tool.
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