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Everything posted by Andre

  1. My 94 was sliding around too.Grinding the rudder made the boat handling totally different from before.All for the best. I use to be able to let go of the steering wheel and the boat kept on going straight as an arrow.Now,if i let go of the wheel,the boat turn hard right .Best tracking of my old 94 since i modified the rudder.Way easier to drive in the course. If your rudder is neutral,it's kind of normal for that era of boat to ''slide '' around the pylon IMO.
  2. @RichardDoane Was your RV one of them parked just behind the turn island ? Saw a Richard Doune skiing.Was it a typo or some other Richard ?
  3. New one is from NAPA,75$ CDN for both cap and rotor. How much was the PCM one? Good catch on the alu terminals...
  4. Yep,cap and rotor did the job! 1100hrs on originals... Thanks for the help everyone!
  5. 18 k up for grab for the womens and 16 k for mens. Use to be the opposite...
  6. I must be dumb (please don't respond to that!) but why 13 balls per pass? Shouldn't it be 7 including zero ball?
  7. @Deanoski @Garn Is the zipper 100% water tight or is water slowly dripping down your back?
  8. @ral U have to use your knuckles and not your fingertip.
  9. All PP versions manuals are on the website...just like Zero Off! ;)
  10. What @MISkier said.The timer start counting when the boat hit the exit gates.If set very low it will beeps right out of the course.
  11. Thanks all! I will get back this week with updates.I will change cap and rotor for sure as they're originals according to my friend and perform Jody's checklist also.
  12. Ski partner's boat,i'm more at ease with my old MC. I want to check fuel pressure.Quickly check under the doghouse this morning and saw the fuel module at the front driver side of the engine with a schraeder valve.Is it where i need to check or is there another one on fuel rail? Also,i remember something about a fuel -paper filter that used to cause problem on those PCM engine. My memory is failing a bit,but remember the fuel system beeing special on those Nautiques ,like 2 fuel pumps or filters,can't remember exactly... I think fuel pressure is the first thing to check. Should i check on fuel module (not sure how to call it) or fuel rail? What should be fuel pressure for that engine? Any help appreciated! Thanks!
  13. Watching W6 right now and at 32 mph,that Malibu wake doesn't look skier friendly to me...
  14. Fuel pressure is the first thing to check IMO with loss of power and misfire problems.
  15. You're handy with tools or know someone who is? https://teamtalk.mastercraft.com/showthread.php?t=67228
  16. @swb911 Do you have a ''design a boat'' pix to share?
  17. @ghutch There's one coming up in march...at Ski Paradise ,Acapulco!!!
  18. @swbca Post a pix. 2004 had the old style rudder that change in 2006.Some older boats have been retrofit with the newer style rudder. A pic is worth ...what it's worth!!! :)
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