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Posts posted by Ali

  1. What a bummer Than, I remember you trying that boat out at our pond. Maybe if you had stuck with double boots.............


    As BD said let me know if you want to head north for a pull. Come and join #teamspoiled. This is our team name for those skiers addicted to our Carbon Pro wakes and pull.

  2. Hi


    I know it is short notice but I am looking for a pull for myself and the Mrs for tomorrow Saturday 02/20 at Miami ski club. Spent 2 months in south Florida without skiing there and just realized this is our last weekend. Any kind member got some free time? I can drive if you need a driver.


    cell is six-one-seven 817 9288

    email alistairksmith gmail dot com




  3. Try starting at 2 ball. Ignore the gates and 1 ball, pull out before you get to boat guides for 1 ball. Try and backside 2 ball and then ski the rest of the course. It may take you a few attempts to get the timing right for the pull out. As you have the 2 ball for reference you will see if you start to drift in. You will miss 2 ball if you do.




  4. I demoed the S2 when I was looking to change from my A1 some good things there but my scores were worse, so I wasn't tempted to buy. Went to the A3 and I liked it right away, definite upgrade for me. Faster and better offside turn. Only thing I would say is maybe not as stable as the A1 or S2. 34mph and sometimes running 32 off.




  5. @Than your throwing of the handle gave me a laugh. It was thrown almost in the way you ski. It was like you calculated angles and technique to show your frustration to the max :D Next time a little more passion and less geek lol.


    At least you didn't ding the prop halfway through the clinic like someone I can't mention.




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