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Posts posted by Ali

  1. I was boat judge in a tournament, 2 foot shock tube, 2nd skier off the dock put the handle in the boat. I told driver to get back to the dock and got the 4 foot tube from my boat. 2 foot tube is useless in my opinion. 4 foot may not stop/redirect everything but much safer than any other options. I love the Performance and Radar products, a great design.




  2. Got mine, settings are stock, 1 set going from the 20 which had Denali fin. Skied my average on 1st set 5@13m/32off, but not my best 2@12m/35off. Onside is awesome, but need to work out gate as it slows down quicker. Need some offside practice to understand it. Tempted to put my Denali fin on it but will maybe give it another set with standard blade. Builds great angle into the wake, feels as fast as 20 too and the white is very pretty.


    I am often Bambi on ice on a new ski but ran passes right away on this one.


    Some random thoughts!!




  3. 2011 upgrade is generally not that easy. Other than a few select boats it is not plug and play. You will probably need to splice. Skip Dunlap is who you need to talk to. He knows more about nautiques than nautique. Pull is great once you get it done.
  4. I ordered an extra antenna for the base station and have it mounted on a pole at the end of the lake. So when the base station moves to another lake the antenna stays behind and the rest moves to the secondary location along with the non fixed antenna.
  5. I took the Safe Sport training as part of driver certification and found it very informative. The more people who follow it the fewer possibilities will exist for abusers, seems like a win to me. I would rather it was not mandated, just encouraged, but I can see the reasons it may need to be mandated.


    As for the abuser being on the board that was a huge error, which apparently has been resolved thankfully.




  6. Ran our Class C with Surepath last Sunday here in Miami. It was a real test session as it is not a requirement for Class C. We received the system just a week before the tournament so we were still ironing the kinks out. Took us an hour to get setup right for link to scoring software but we had that up and running. Using a Red Pocket SIM on ATT network and upgraded antenna as we have buildings and trees all around (great for the wind). Using FDOT as base station which is only 2 miles away.


    Great for drivers as we had a lot of kids with large variation in speeds. The MC 2019 and Nautique 2020 we had also have very different driving characteristics.


    Lots if happy faces for everyone involved. Was a great day. Come and ski a tournament in Miami!!


    On another subject our favourite course here is an 8 ball (true 8 ball not overlapping). @Jtim3032 let's get it running for an 8 ball please ;-)




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