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Posts posted by Chad_Scott

  1. I drove Brian all 4 rounds. Without question 3 of the 4 he should have run. Most impressive was the round he seemed to have a bad start and still managed five at 41. He will definitely be the next one to run it. He's going to be in the hunt at the Malibu Open in August. Should make for some great competition. Looking forward to it.
  2. Hey guys let me start by saying I thought the original Nano 1 was probably one of the best skis ever made by Dave Goode. The best one I had was still white and had the smoke graphics. Loved that ski until I broke it digging the tip and crashing out the front. Would have liked that set over again. I actually had a twin to it and was smart enough to give it to Jay Leach who ripped it up on the same ski for a couple years. Since that ski there were several skis Dave made that all had certain qualities that I did liked a lot The new Rev 6 is the total package for me. I look forward to each set on it. While watching others on the ski this past weekend I saw the same characteristics with everyone riding them. Greg Badal looks like a different skier on his. Always in control. Goodes have historically been a little tail heavy in my opinion. However they always managed to get you to the other side and stay in the pass. The new Rev 6 maintains the same attitude throughout the course and for skiers of different styles. The ski is very efficient and easy to ski on. It also seems to work with a variety of different fin settings
  3. The ski rides similar to the nano one. The added length to the back of the ski gives the ski a flatter attitude both in and out of the turn and across course. There is less tip rise on the new rev 6. If you are looking for a new stick the ski is well worth a try.
  4. Horton also having dealt with serious back injury the powervest does allow you to keep skiing while attempting to overcome injury if you have a bad back there is very little you can do to change that all the hard work in the world wont replace a bad disc or two if you are going to use it you will want to mold the back and remove the dowell's from the gloves. I actually have regular gloves that attach to the vest which dave can do as well so you can still maintain grip strength
  5. The Malibu Open is August 19, 20 Looking forward to another great event Weather last year was bad luck Weather has been great in the past always great attendance from the ski community in Milwaukee Mark your calenders and come out and support the event


  6. First of all, I must say that I agree with Cory. The Big Dawg and the US Open should have been completely separate events. It is unfortunate that the Big Dawg Skiers received more time on the water than the pros. Our purse has been set and as Horton has stated it is not much more than a back yard poker game. We have several qualifiers which pay a total purse of $3000.00 This money is payed by the host site thru the entry fees. So its not like we are raising money from Sponsors. As for the $12,500 for the finals. Well that is primarily provided by entry fees and practice money, 40 skiers at $200.00 a piece raises a large portion of the purse. And then practice money for practice, hell Miller adds another $500.00 to the purse with his sets alone. LOL


    As for the state of professional waterskiing, It is time for the skiers to step up and not just expect events to be planned and organized for them to ski in. As one of the people that has put on the Malibu Open for the past seven years, I can tell you that raising money for these events is very difficult. From a sponsors perspective, What does the money they provide actually get them. A few banners at the site, advertisement during a web cast to how many viewers. We have purposely started to involve the skiers in the running of the Malibu Open and for the most part these skiers have responded by helping us with the set up and running of the tournament. However when it comes to sponsorship most of the skiers are looking for their own individual sponsors and not looking to recruit sponsors to host events so that there is actually "Professional Ski Events".


    One of the things that the Pro Ski Tour, founded by Dana Reed, has focused on is providing as much of the money as possible to the athletes. Because this is Dana's vision it is something we will continue to do. With that being said, if anyone wants to step up and sponsor the Malibu Open or find sponsors for the Malibu Open, I can assure you that the proceeds will go directly to the skiers. April has for several years offered free entry to any skier that recruits a sponsor for the event. Can anyone guess how many skiers actually came up with a sponsor for the event?


    It takes more than a few people to get the pro water ski tour off of the ground. We all have to think outside the box and find outside the industry sponsors and actually provide a marketing value for the dollars they spend. It easy to say what all we can do, but coming up with a solution is much more difficult. I will be in charge of the Malibu Open this year and I am always open to any outside assistance to make this event better.

  7. Its a bad thing in my opinion First of all, the professionals should have a larger purse than the big dawgs After all I am friends with almost all of the open skiers and I know that many of them rely on these events to help support their livelihood With that being said, I would like to see these guys and gals ski for much larger purses and in front of crowds of people. The open skiers should have premier events which spotlight the talents of these athletes. Big Dawg in my opinion should stand alone as well as its own event . There are also some pretty good athletes at this level also. The purse for the big dawg is mainly generated from entries and does not draw from the sponsors supporting the professional events I would like to see as many events as possible to support the open skiers. However I am sure there are reasons beyond the knowledge on this message board for hosting the events together As a fan I am looking forward to both of the events.
  8. Horton did you actually say you would give away the mic, not a chance. I hope you had a great time at the Open. Maybe a Horton's review of the event is forthcoming It was nice to have some of the west coast represented in Milwaukee. Great venue, great fans and always great skiing no matter the conditions. The lagoon always seems to put out some pretty big scores. Setting dates for next year as I am typing
  9. My choice to ski 35 mph has more to do with extending my season. As you know you can get away with much more at 34. However after back surgery, my back would disagree. If you can ski 34 I think it is better. The gates at 39 and 41 are very important as is the timing. Skiing fast has an adverse effect on the gates as you slow down.
  10. None of them are going to do it behind a competitors boat period. Plain and simple each of the skiers capable of a world record have huge monetary incentives to do it behind their sponsored boat. Doing it behind a competitors boat is bad business for these skiers. However, for the Malibu Open, which is not a R tournament (Class L). There will be a $10,000 world record (Score) bonus for the skier. Since the score will never be approved as a world record, All of the skiers have a cash incentive (thanks to Tony Drake) to surpass the current world record. It should not affect their current deal. Boat path will have to be approved by the TC Committee to make sure it is legit. But this will not affect monetary incentives each of the skiers have with their respective boat companies. Hopefully will add a twist to the Malibu Open. Nate has gotten to 2 ball for the past two years in Milwaukee and the way CP, Freddie and Will are skiing it could be exciting to watch.
  11. @Live2ski somebody has to be first. As Than pointed out. It is a showcased event. April Coble is one of the organizers of the event which must get started at 730. Lots of moving pieces to getting an event like this going. Media on site early in the morning doing interviews and promotions for the event. On top of helping to put the tournament on and get it going, April also competes in the event. So we have plenty of time to get the event up and running before April has to go ski. Hope this answers your question. And btw lots of spectators at the event all day. It's a great venue for this professional event. Very well supported by the water skiing community. Hope to see everyone there
  12. Lyman had nothing to do with the planning of the event or the concessions available at the event To the contrary, Lyman opened up his own place and allowed the Pro Water Ski Tour LLC free use of his facilities to host the qualifier. Not only did a guy that owns, as someone said a private lake for cliquey groups, not make a nickel on the use of his lake. Lyman also provided several of his ski club members to help and run the event. Now if we are talking about the state of waterskiing, if everyone was as unselfish as Mr. Hardy and went out of their wayas he did to promote waterskiing and professional waterskiing then we would actually get some where with more events like these. The tournament at Lyman's was scheduled to be a two round qualifier which honestly we did not expect many spectators. That was the purpose for the web cast. The crowd of spectators expected was expected for the show which was to take place in downtown Tuscaloosa. There were plenty of food and beer vendors on site for the event. As one of the people that puts on these events, we have to operate within a budget. Food vendors want guarantees (of sales) to come out and set up for an event. Our goal is to put as much money in the pockets of these professional athletes while running a first class event. While we do appreciate anyone who attended please bear in mind that we were hosting a first year event with a limited budget. Most two round record tournaments do not normally supply food and concessions. Hopefully as this event grows and continues we will be able to increase the things that are available to spectators at both event sites. The only post that should be said regarding Lyman or Lyman land USA is thank you for allowing us to invade your home, your space and your lake for hosting the event.


  13. Eagle Sports is up and running. Chuck is still the owner. He did the video to put it out there and see if there was an interest in purchasing the company. He intends to keep Eagle Sports and business is running and operating at full speed. Middle of the summer and he is backed up with three weeks worth of orders and has been since March.
  14. Hey guys, thanks to everyone who tuned in for the Malibu Cup. Kelvin as always did a great job with the web cast and raised the bar. As you guys were able to see, the skiing was next level. Performances were off the charts. The weather did not cooperate with us at all. As we were getting set up for the finals on the river, the corp of Engineers opened the flood locks and raised the river about 5 feet in less than an hour. Needless to say, the course on the river did not survive the current we were facing. For a few minutes, I thought we would have to finish the event in Mobile which is several hours south. Which is the direction the slalom course was headed. There was an agreement in place to keep the locks closed on Saturday, however with the amount of rain throughout the state, the corp had to open it up. We received no warning. I pulled Nate down and back, and between passes, the river rose about 4 inches. It was crazy. The skiers stepped up and went out and skied a down and back each because despite the weather, there were about 3500 spectators. I appreciate the skiers, getting out there and putting on a show. Surprisingly most of them returned to the dock with a smile because they enjoyed the challenge. Tuscaloosa want the event to return and we will have an alternative plan in place.
  15. Gloves are great Chet talked me into buying a pair at the sr worlds. I had the same thoughts they look cheap and they will tear up quickly. Not the case, they are very durable grip like no others and dont tera up the hands. I think scoke is keeping track of sets per pair and is getting about 75 sets before they tear i am probably near the same. They run big so i would size down when ordering you wont be dissappointed
  16. Details will come soon enough when Dave is ready to go with production. @jordan less torsional stiffness is not what this new ski is about. In fact it is torsionally stiffer than previous. This ski does not rely on the ski flexing torsionally. Thats it for now!!!!!!
  17. John you are correct regarding Regina's boat black with silver metallic, I had the boat for a couple of months. Its a really good boat. I personally like a lot of rudder torque, means i have to steer a lot less. As far as fatigue, just hold it straight no need to steer a lot. I used the boat for the Malibu Open pulled 24 skiers in a row with it. I like the wheel loaded especially when pulling lots of 39's and 41's. With the rudder worked you can take the load off with the rudder tab.


    As far as the photo of the rudder, I grind the rudder about 3 inches across the top and 3 inches down. If you drew a line across that is the area I grind and round the outside edge, then I use the tab to adjust to my preference.

  18. Increasing competition at any level is a good idea having the opportunity to have 2 children in the sport, i believe head to head can increase participation if we incorporate head to head for our junior level skiers it would make tournaments much more interesting juniors would have the opportunity to compete as they do at other sanctioned sport I believe we are losing juniors skiers in the sport because tournaments under the current format are boring. Ski a round wait several hours to ski again not much fun when we are trying to keep juniors from other competing sports Last year at the InHisWakes tournament, I saw how much fun the younger skiers were having in the head to head competition. I mean lets face it thatnis why the old cigar club as was put, really enjoy the big dawg format. We need more competition based formats. I think it would bring more life to boring tournaments. Head to head can be incorporated into all 3 events i wanted to do a 35 an older air dawg tournament and watch those tennessee nasty boys get nasty. A qualifying round and then head to head jump. Two boats, two jumpers, one jump each. Second jumper must beat first jumper.
  19. I can take a photo of mine and email to you if you want to see mine. All of the LXI 's can use a little weight in the nose they all ran bow high. David west 07 LXI came from Craig and was a promo so i know the rudder was worked by the factory before it went out.
  20. For the 04 response, add about 80 pounds of weight in the nose of the boat use the rudder tab to add tension to the steering wheel I usually grind the drivers side of the rudder from the top of the rudder about 3 inches down and about 3 inches across the top if u drew a line across I grind the area do a little at a time so you dont over do it
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