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Everything posted by disland

  1. Did anyone ever find out why Anna got her toe tricks cut?
  2. the same thing happened in tech, check out CMBM JNPR EXTR
  3. does the schedule spread sheet take into account daylight savings time on Sunday in the uSA?
  4. @Nando I wear the whoop on my wrist next to my glove, I also put a elastic wrist band over it so it doesnt come off
  5. I had it pretty bad, I switched grips and problem solved almost imediately
  6. I use whoop, I find it very valuable to track my training, I do wear when skiing
  7. Step 1 get a hot girl to ride in the boat Step 2 ask her to video you with your iphone you already own
  8. Please, Please, Please, do online practice booking, like they did in Wichita, 1000% better than the clip board fiasco the last time we were in Bako
  9. @swbca Ok, I changed to the 5/32 thanks again for the help
  10. I found this, will report back if it works https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BZV31SFB/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?pd_rd_i=B0BZV31SFB&pd_rd_w=6nKRs&content-id=amzn1.sym.eb7c1ac5-7c51-4df5-ba34-ca810f1f119a&pf_rd_p=eb7c1ac5-7c51-4df5-ba34-ca810f1f119a&pf_rd_r=W867WYH98RRZMVHN8QH2&pd_rd_wg=hLn5c&pd_rd_r=4af903c3-dc7c-40cf-b174-64b8c15717e9&s=kitchen&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWw&th=1
  11. Has anyone figured out where to open source upper T-factor laces, or what the spec's are to get them? I need to change them out more often and I dont need any more clips, so I wanted to just buy a roll of the stuff
  12. T-factor vs Reflex would be super interesting
  13. I have a bunch of binder screws that have lake residue which make them tight and I dont want to inadvertently back out any inserts. Is there an easy way to clean them? Or just throw them out and buy new ones? Anyone have a link to buy them cheap on line? @horton I think I remember you saying you just bought a big bag of them, where did you get them?
  14. I had a similar experience. I did have success if you post a video and not select a specific coach. They owe me $30
  15. Hannah has been skiing for USA why cant she be on USA team?
  16. TWBC brand is so strong now, they dont need any logo's
  17. @horton maybe its time resurrect the boot conversion chart. Ankle bone vs back of the boot measuring point for all the major boots. HO Syndicate Hardshell D3 T-factor Reflex Radar Vapor Goode Powershell
  18. we stopped using entry forms years ago
  19. They need to make a standard version that would fit any ski with just the improved DFT, I would buy it
  20. @MDB1056 yes, less expensive to buy in a bog roll but want to make sure its the same
  21. @JackQ can you post link or specs for what the replacement laces are?
  22. @jhughes Yes exactly where mine tore, zip tie fix lasted 6 months but it got worse so finally replaced it
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