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Posts posted by skidawg

  1. Olympics, not happening, we don't have the money to bribe the IOC to get in, skiing Is shrinking because (this is my personal experience) when we have private lakes we typically keep them that way mainly because of time constraints, but one of our members is completely closed off to expanding our club to new members or any clinics for newbs, etc. Off my wagon
  2. JTH, if u could ski behind zo regularly, not only would u like it, but u would also ski better, u r good enough, smart enough and doggon it people like u!
  3. The new 68 has a different shape compared to the last 68 elite, the old shape had straighter sides, the new one has the same shape as the 67, there fore it requires less skier input to turn it, it really is a fast effortless ride!
  4. On the 2011 68 elite (super sweet ride btw) I run my bindings at 30, length (tips) 6.837, depth 2.5095, dft .7935.  I change the dft according to water temp.  take some length out and you will get free. back it up a touch also.  let me know how it works!
  5. Part of the strada's release system is the stretchable laces, if they are to tight, no release. The prodigy has the strap which will help avoid over tightening, they are much stiffer binding than the strada so u can have more control without needing to over tighten, just my two cents, they do look similar, but quite different when examined closely
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