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Posts posted by skidawg

  1. Years ago there was a heart rate study done at the AWSA (old school) research. Terry Eberhardt did it. all three events. It is prolly floating around somewhere in the usah2o library. I remember jumpers spiking very high along with trickers. Alot of heart rate has to do with cardiovascular conditioning. I regularly hit the mid 190's while mountainbiking. No where close while skiing, even at 39off.
  2. @bmiller - Could water temp have an effect on this? I would imagine the colder water is going to cause your heart rate to go up a little bit.

    -actually cool/colder water helps you recover and lower heart rate a bit. warm/hot water increases your core temp which increases blood flow to capillaries to cool you off thru sweating (which doesn't work in hot water). Some triatheletes have actually died from heat exhaustion from swimming in hot water for long periods.

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