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Posts posted by skidawg

  1. Look, all conspiracy theory's aside--judges at all levels make mistakes, class c to l; they all don't handle it in a proper manner. I don't know what happened down under but if a bad call was made it was most likely not done on purpose to help a skier, more so just a stiff necked poor judgement of someone not willing to say, my bad, I made a mistake...just my .02!
  2. I will say this, I've had only 4 sets on the fusion up to now. It is the easiest start to my spring skiing I have ever had. This ski is symmetrical on both sides, turns effortless and is very quick side to side (creates a lot of space before the bouy). I LOVE IT! D3 has done a great job.
  3. I stand corrected, old rules were 4@39 @ 34mph, now it is the lowest cutoff score of a level 9 ranking to receive an open rating. (I am still an old school thinker when it comes to rules). Yes the open rating obtained at 34 will allow you to ski a pro event, but you would have to go 36mph. I think Miller skied a few 36mph pro events a few years back. We all learn a few things every day, unless our initials are jth :-0
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