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Posts posted by skidawg

  1. Thanks for tryin to correct me Horton, but the majority of skiers on an x7 go 36, except bishop (he slayes it on an x7@34) most 34 guys prefer the fusion! D3 doesn't market it that way but it doesn't mean it isn't so; I'm looking forward to riding both in the spring!
  2. This is by far my best and most consistent year to date largely due to a big change in my equipment. For that a big thanks goes out to Paul Crawford and D3 skis for adding me to their MM team. My M3 and MM ranking is highest it's ever been (finished the year #1 in M3) won MM regionals against some stiff competition, I ran 39 more in practice this year than the previous 3 years combined, my practice best was a big home run (best ever). My son although injured caught the swerve bug full on and is rippin it up! My 4 yr old daughter is also skiin and in love w the lake, I am truly blessed to be a part of this sport.
  3. Logan rode this ski very limited this summer (broken ankle). It is very easy to ride and in perfect condition. He is currently 92lbs and riding it at 34mph. Earlier this spring he ride it 26-30 mph. I'll cover shipping to who ever commits w joe to get it.
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