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Posts posted by skidawg

  1. On side was a bit tough for me to line out at first,  the major issue for me was direction out and handle control, ride the ski through the turn rather than push it around with my back foot.  I wouldn't go all the way back to .76, .78 would probably be better.
  2. The F1 is a super sweet carving ski, very stable and rides deep in the water,  definately fast and likes to be on edge.  Make sure your bindings are in the proper place.

  3. front binding 29  1/8 in, rear 17 in.  Start with stock fin settings (6.77 flat, 2.50, .78 flat)  You may need to move fin back a bit and take a bit of length out.  Ride it stock a few sets first.  Binding placement is very important.
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