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Posts posted by skidawg

  1. Took a few more rides on the A-1 and played with binding settings.  moved it forward a bit and WOW!  This ski is the bomb baby.  I have enjoyed every turn and burn.  Stomp on it, push on it, do what ever you want and it keeps moving thru the turn ( as long as you stay countered on your off side)  It lets me do very stupid stuff and doesn't punish me for my mistakes.  Thanks for the demo JTH.
  2. I rode the rcx again (68" today-67" before) 67 is my size, and rode the steak sauce (demo thru JTH-supreme intergalactic obama wanna be) several more times.  The sauce is a super fun ski to ride.  Super fast, carves great turns, loves it when the skier climbs up on the front in the turns.  It has a certain style that works on it,  if you ride the tail it isn't a good feel, but if you carve big and stay in the center of the ski it really rips.  I was surprised my first ride, I really didn't expect to enjoy it that much but it is one of the most fun skis i have ridden in a long time.  Both sides turn great, real aggressive.  The only thing i didn't enjoy about the sauce is occassionally i would over turn on my off side if i got to aggressive. I did also spend some time on the rcx this fall(demo thru scott greenwood from Ark.).  I  enjoyed it equally as well.  It rolls into the gate shot turn super smooth and easy and releases out as easy as it rolls in.  It is super stable and plenty fast.  I have not enjoyed skiing this much in a long time (due to riding 2 new sweet skis) and I cannot decide which ski is going to be the best for me.  I think I can consistently ski better on the rcx, but I feel the A-1 has a potential for the bigger PB.  What to do, What to do.  Gonna spend some time on the prophecy.  Hopefully it  will make things that much more difficult.

    Dawg Out (permanetly undecided, but havin fun)


    Thanks to JTH & Greeny for the loaners ya'll can have them back when I die!!!!


  3. Our great leader JTH has sent me a demo A1.  I have been interested in riding it all summer and JT has hooked a brother up.  I only have two rides on it but it is an extremely fun ski to ride.  I will expand upon it after a few rides saturday,  Stay tuned. 


    Dawg out

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