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Posts posted by skidawg

  1. I will have 2 disagree-more scenic than jd says, but a lake is still a lake.  I enjoyed the music (different than the talk radio I have abused during the election coverage).  I will agree that it is not video for analytical purposes, but unlike some videos it does have six turns together on most of the clips so you can see the skiers whole passes.  This is a good video for entertainment purposes and I think pj is headed in the right direction.  Keep at it kid, gets better w/ time.  BUY IT from JTH now, he has a wife to support!!!!!!!
  2. Is anyone as sick about the election as I am?  I have friends in the mountain biking world who are very outspoken for both sides of the election.  I am wondering about the skiing community,  there is never anything spoken here.  Any takers, speak up!
  3. Here is a new dead horse I am gonna beat.  Don't buy baade skis (goode).  Don't give dave a dime.  My 9700 I bought at the end of june has a crack under the tip of the ski (all the way across).  I am very upset b/c it was sold upon inspection.  Cracked after three and a half months of skiing ( half the sets of a normal season due to a new job and baby I may add).  I don't care if the 9900 helped me run 43 off, I am tired of dave's inferior products, I will talk to goode tomorrow about some sort of restitution.  Anyother industry and he would be run out of business.  Stop putting gas in his plane.


    I am out.



  4. No doubt JB, Willy, and just about all the boys could run 41 at 34.  Andy did bf he retired in a class C at 34.  Lucky (i heard) use to run it in practice a few years ago at 34.  Can definately be done, just small margin of error and conditions must be right.
  5. 41 @ 34 it  is very difficult to maintain speed at the bouy.  You can get out there with plenty of speed but you lose it extremely fast.  It is also hard to change edge as early as you need to and keep the speed.  Ask Clay,  he is the only one i know that has been to 4 ball several times at a tourney.

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