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Posts posted by skidawg

  1. Just for kicks try the settings w deeper fin (just for kicks) go 2.508-09.  I didn't like 2.510 as much as 2.511-12.  came under me bit to quick.  But on the other hand if it is working may not want to change anything but your national affiliation, I hear Southern Canada (minnesota) needs a few warm bodies.
  2. JTH was a kick arse jumper, can't deny it.  great tricker also.  We all loved to watch two indians jump collegiate (JTH) because it was sweet and (*****) because he ate huge shite all the freakin time.  Fill in the Blank and guess the crasher.
  3. scoke has the numbers close enough for gov't work (a bit of tweakin for his style),  6 sets then review.  Let's have the engineer's take.  My take should take two paragraphs, MS=2 to 6 words and has rocks in it somewhere.  scoke should have 5 pages minimum with charts and graphs (gotta love those engineers, can't build with out them)
  4. scoke,

     remember that the ski likes less skier input (unlike that old black and orange very small ski you were on).  And remember to check the fin often, it will slide in that new fin block-long fin takes much more effort to ski.

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