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Posts posted by skidawg

  1. Amen JTH, the elite is super fun to ride and very symmetrical on both sides! I have had the priviledge of ridin the new layup 67 and the new shape/layup 68. The elite is by far the fastest and smoothest ski I have ridden. The new 68" is money for anyone 190+. If you haven't tried one, look up jth on the left coast or Alvin neff in the south central for a ride. The quality construction and two year warranty are just an added bonus!
  2. Personal opinion about the PV, looks to me like it allows a skier to use less technique and get away with holding on to big hits and keep skiing,  Not really what I am chasing when I ski ( I personally like that feel you get when you do it right).
  3. As a retired jumper the comparison between PV (power vest) and jump sling doesn't correlate.  It is a safety item, jumping without a sling (for any distance) would be very unsafe.  Now jump on this comment how ever u dogs may?   ;-)

  4. <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLxg0dbvokQ&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xd0d0d0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLxg0dbvokQ&color...


    Hope this link works, freakin funny, watch till the end

  5. Team Mapple------

    I had the opportunity to ski with The Great One, Andy Mapple last week at Greeny's lake in little rock, AR.  If anyone has the opportunity to take a few rides with him i would highly recommend it.  Worth every penny.  This was straight forward  coaching at its best.  I felt like i learned without having to ingest a dissertation on slalom philosophy. (not that there is anything wrong with slalom philosophy, just sometimes it is nice to have straight forward coaching i.e. this is happening, this is why it is happening and this is gonna fix it).  Also, I have never skied with anyone who watched my ski and told me exactly what fin adjustments (double move)to make, how much to make and tell me what I would feel different after i made the adjustment.  That is impressive.  I wish I had half the knowledge that he has in his little finger.  Anyway, my two cents.  I was highly impressed and if anyone has the opportunity they won't be dissappointed. 

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