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    vapour pro
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  1. I'm wondering if bindings really make that much of a difference, or am I better off just practicing my technique... Right now I am using vector boots, and am thinking of getting the vapour boots, would this be a pointless decision, or would there be any benefit in doing so..
  2. @lkbI placed 4th out of 12 skiers in my age group, pretty happy with that, but the picture I posted was when it was actually pretty calm, the wind picked up significantly when the tournament started.
  3. I'm about to do my tournament today, and the water conditions are a bit choppy, I would say 10mph winds, I'm wondering if it would be easier to ski into or with the wind...
  4. @Horton36mph at 15 off
  5. here's a video of me skiing, can anyone tell me if there is anything noticable I am doing wrong that's leading to me falling? https://photos.app.goo.glNXfEfLWzJHq5cKjs7
  6. ok thank you, ill look into getting one.
  7. kinda, still getting different numbers each time... maybe it's worth investing in some proper calipers
  8. I am trying to set my 2022 vapour pro fin back to stock measurements, I have calipers but not the slotted ones.. In having a hard time getting accurate measurements for the DFT, each time I close the calipers it seems to be a different number, does anyone have any suggestions?
  9. @Chris Rossithank you very much, I will surely get back to you once I have done what you said.
  10. @ETskierthanks, what about binding position, how do I know I should move bindings back or forward... and what would the effects be...
  11. I have a 2022 vapour pro, 66". I'm wondering how much my fin adjustment will affect my skiing at 36mph 15 off. I have the fin roughly set to stock settings but I may be 0.010inches off on the DFT and the fin length, I'm wondering if I will notice at negative effects at this speed...
  12. I found a 2022 for a rlly good price, so I went with that. should be arriving Friday.
  13. thank you, unfortunately i could not find a 24. another thing I forgot to mention is the vapour is 66",will that have any negative impact? I'm only 135lbs 5"6
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