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  1. Fathers Day 6/12/23, Just had a nasty ankle fracture “Pilon Fracture” using a Reflex Binding. 34mph @32off rounding 3 ball. I was running behind and pulled all the way to the ball, fin blew out and I slid sideways. The ski skipped and then landed perfectly perpendicular to the water. Like a sledgehammer hitting the bottom of my ankle. The ski then hit the water at an angle and the binding released. I don’t believe any binding system was created for an impact of this type. The doctor told me he was surprised my ankle didn’t distort like 45-90 degree angle from the impact. I believe the reflex binding saved my ankle from distortion. I was unfortunate and just had a perfect scenario to create this severe ankle injury. (“Pilon Fractures) are more of a vehicle accident or falling from a height injury. I’ll be back using the Reflex binding system. Over the years I’ve used it it always released when required.
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