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Everything posted by Slalom.Steve

  1. I would do all those things! (...depends how many windows we talkin lol ;))
  2. Hey everyone, I'm a beginner course skier (28mph 15off, though I got that on only my 3rd day in the course), and I live in Schaumburg, IL (NW suburbs of Chicago). Being in the course has given me the ski bug real bad, but I don't have consistent access to water time, so I'm looking for as many local ski buddies and skiing opportunities as I can find! Does anyone have any suggestions or leads in the area? Even if you don't have a connection to water time but live nearby, I'd love to connect just as a fellow local ski enthusiast. I'm 6balls's nephew, if that mattes to anyone lol. Thanks! - Steve
  3. This is my first season ever in the course, and have completed a couple 15'off passes at 28mph. However, due to the kindness of my uncle giving me a great deal on his old ski, I'm skiing a 2016 Radar Vapor, certainly beyond where I'm at. It's been suggested to me by several people that I remove the wing at least until I'm skiing at speed and shortening the rope. Thoughts? My only hesitation is that the ski and fin were likely designed to perform in conjunction with the wing, and wondering if it would throw anything out of whack.
  4. I'm a beginner course skier, 15'off 30mph, so in some sense this question doesn't personally matter too much (yet:), but curious either way: Let's say you have 3 different boats, from worst to best for slalom skiing. A wakeboard boat, a decent older ski boat, and a brand-new top-of-the-line ski boat. As you step up the 3 levels, what are the advantages for the skier? The obvious one is a smaller and smaller wake... but is that really it? Or is there something else? If so, can it be articulated, or does it just "feel" better somehow? Thanks!
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