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Everything posted by LoopSki

  1. Took a gamble and bought this harbor master cover size E at Wal Mart. $104. Fits pretty good. Fyi for any budget dudes like me .
  2. You can turn that 7 to an 8 easily with a sharpie!!
  3. Sounds like the new prostsr is up your alley. I had 8 in mine over memorial day on a busy lake and it was fine. No issues.
  4. That milfoil plant is evil. This was a site a skied at years ago. Eventually gave up on it.
  5. Many say a dream come true , but few actually will do it. Whether it's affordability , re locations , moving far from amenities etc. I pulled the trigger 2 years ago and love it. But serious draw backs from our prior home. Sent from city utilities and shopping and restaurants walking distance. Now it's long drive. But can't help loving lake life !
  6. Hard to say since its a different boat. And some may argue. But I had a 2005 Malibu Response LXI. The wake was a bit hard at 15 and a good bump at 22. I removed the tower and wedge. Made a big difference.
  7. @DW I have a nice home on a ski lake. Im nowhere near affording that boat. My prostar was a stretch only made affordable by a bank loan.
  8. I wonder how many of these new nautiqes will actually be sold to private individual for individual use. Seems like the only way to make this boat make Financial sense is in a club, ski school or promo boat
  9. That's a feature I do not want. Got it down , don't want to re learn it. Had 32 ft Sea Ray Pachanga with twin drives. Could not back that SOB up for nothing. I cannot drive I/O s. I get to messed up !
  10. I just took delivery of my 2019. The first open bow off the line. I paid south of 100k. I opted out of all the Sea Deck so I paid much less!
  11. Love the screen and ease of use , but have the same concerns .I have 112 hours on my year old Prostar with no screrm issues to date . Id hate to sell it in 4 years but the cost to replace scares me !
  12. Needs more cow bell though!
  13. Anyone seen one before? https://yubasutter.craigslist.org/boa/d/1983-keaton-classic/6566377569.html
  14. That s a great video . a must see for all new boat guests .
  15. I think it would look so much better as an opem bpw
  16. I'd like the plans to the Dr. Jim Michaels adjustable course. Its my only hope ! Lol
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